Denial is the first step right?

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- No... No way- Clarke said. The idea just couldn't form in her head.

- Clarke you said it yourself, we no longer had the chips. Anyone who didn't take other protection methods could be pregnant - Raven said. She was talking as to a little child who looked about run away because saw monster.- you are displaying all the symptoms.

- whoa, what?- Madi kept asking , but the three women were to distracted to heard her. She had been so hungry that she hadn't paid attention before and now she was lost.

- I don't..... - Clarke started.

- You passed out this morning.- Raven said

- Madi scared me and I didn't have breakfast.- Clarke was trying to hold on to her previous reasoning.

- Hey, did you guys hear me? Hello I am right here?- Madi insisted.

- You have vomit twice today.- Abby said with all the calm in the world.

- I hit my head and I probably catch something.... I can't... I just....- she leave the sentence there,her mind just went blank

- Okey, are you telling that before today you didn't experience any other symptoms. Or are you telling me you haven't had sex this past weeks?- asked Raven with her "I know it all" face.

- Okey you guys are really ignoring me.

- I...- she couldn't say that, Bellamy mention that she had been sleeping a lot, and her changes of humor.- Oh, my God - she said when the realization that they might be right came.- wait how did you...?

- Oh, please Clarke. You and Bellamy suck at hiding , plus I got confirmation when he came to see you earlier - she said smiling at Clarke's shocked face - I can't believe you thought I was really asleep.

- well, whatever, good that you know- said Clarke , she had more important things to think about- that doesn't mean that I am .- an unreasonable anger was emerging from inside her and got her stressed. Suddenly a cup of water was put right in from of her face and when she follow the hand holding it she found Madi's annoyed face. She hadn't even realized she had stand up.

- just drink the damn water so you can pee.- Madi said.

Bellamy was in his room, sitting on a desk concentrated on what he was doing. He had talked to everyone on dinner and they had agreed to do another trip down, but this time they will take a larger amount of people, they wanted to accelerate the process on the building of the bunkers and with more hands it will. They couldn't exceed from certain amount of people though, the quantity of mask with antidote in case of a eclipse happening were short and they only had 2 doses per mask. He normally would select people of the main group and in occasion the ones who had certain skills that were needed on a specific task, but in this trip the needed everyone, so he made up a list of the best candidates. Bellamy didn't have problems to decide who was going, it fairly easy, except for one person, Clarke.

Bellamy knew that taking her with them was the best option, plus Clarke haven't stopped complaining about how she was dying to get out of the ship, and taking Echo and not her was kinda unfair considering they both were in the same situation. Bellamy dropped the pen that he was writing with and leaned back on his chair closing his eyes. He knew he was been irrational, but something in his gut was telling him something was gonna happen, and he wanted Clarke as far as the danger as possible. Then again he couldn't keep her in a box to be save, he needed to let her be, she was strong and resourceful, she could take care of herself and he had to let her, so with this thought in mind he looked at the list of names and in the last spot he wrote "Clarke Griffin" , he smiled thinking in the last time he wrote her name on a paper. Having finished with the list he stand up to go straight to bed. When he lay down and felt the emptiness of the bed, he remembered Clarke wasn't gonna come tonight, be felt helpless, it was gonna be a long night, but the only thing he could do was pray for no nightmares tonight .

Clarke had been really nervous and it didn't matter how much water she drank,or food she tried to swallow , the nausea was too strong. At the end her mother gave her something to calm her stomach and make her sleep.How could she not have thought about this?. Everything had happen so fast with Bellamy , and she had been so focus with Madi. She felt that she had been so careless, and now she might be pregnant. Pregnant with Bellamy's baby . She might have a  baby with Bellamy. The thought brought so many feelings that her eyes water a little and she had to made herself calmed down to keep the tears in.

She wasn't able to pee before, after all, the vomiting dehydrated her. She tried to calm herself , it probably was a false alarm, but she needed to know. Madi saw that she was really upset and cuddled with her in bed. This helped Clarke to sleep, but in her dreams a little boy of dark curl hair appeared.

Next morning just waking up Raven was next to her bed with the water in her hand.

- You didn't think I was gonna leave you to find out alone, did you?- she said handing her the water.

Clarke felt a warm of gratitude through her body and gave Raven a shy smile. She took a deep breath a drank it all, almost instantly she felt the urge to puck but she hold it. After a few minutes she kept on drinking and the effect was almost instant. When she came out of the bathroom her mother was already waiting to test her sample.

- Okey, it's time.- said Clarke giving her mother  the cup. Madi was already awake and next to her holding her hand, which Clarke really appreciated.

Her mother submerged the paper in the sample and when she took it out everyone let go of the breath they were holding. Clarke's world suddenly got paralyzed, like the pink color on that paper made it stop. The confirmation of what she thought was her most wild dream almost made her fall to her knees. She cover her mouth without taking her eyes of the pink that had form in the tip of the paper, and before she even knew she was sitting on a chair and she felt her face wet. She was crying.

- Clarke.... - Raven started kneeling next to her to console her, but she stopped with she saw Clarke face.

Clarke had taken her hands off her mouth, she was smiling.

- I am pregnant....- she said almost laughing- I am having a baby.- she was having Bellamy's baby.

- Raven you are awake.- said a male voice in the door, and everyone got paralyzed, it was Bellamy's voice.

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