Difficult choices

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Clarke was running so fast and so focus on not loosing Russell and Simone, that the pain in her leg was totally forgotten, she could heard Bellamy screaming her name behind her , but she couldn't stop, she had to see her, she had to  catch Russell.

Bellamy cursed at himself, pick up his gun as fast as he could, and started running following Clarke, with Octavia and Gabriel right behind him. At the beginning he thought that Clarke couldn't keep the others pace while running for her injury but he was wrong. Clarke was chasing them as her life depended on it. Bellamy started to freak out when he suddenly lost Clarke from his sigh for a moments, he pick up the pace as much as he could but in vain. He lost track of her after about 10 mins running forcing him to stop. Although is was just past noon, this part of the forest was so dense that light could barely pass through, so it look like is was night.

- Damn it!!!

He listen Octavia said something but he didn't pay any attention while he was looking for a sign of where Clarke go.

He was entering in panic when he saw that Octavia began running again to the right and without thinking it he followed her. She had seen some bushes crushed following a straight line, and the definitive sign were some big drops of something black on them. It was nightblood. Clarke's blood. Her injury was open and left them an easy to follow trail. Bellamy heart hurt when the thought that she must have been in pain all this time on their way there, without saying a word, her wound only reach its end for the effort of running. He got mad, this woman was impressive and frustrating, not even pregnant she thought about herself. He shake those thoughts away and focus on following the trail. He had finally acknowledged what Octavia said before. "We got to hurry, they are going to the anomaly"

Clarke had been running non stop, she had seen Russell and Simone take a few turns trying to lose her, but it wasn't until they disappeared through a especially dense bush that Clarke lost sigh of them. Without that been a obstacle for her,  she followed them into the bush just to suddenly stop. A wall of what it looked like green clouds moving around was right in front of her, and Russell and Simone were nowhere near, at least that she could see.

She started scanning the woods from her side, she was very cautious , she took a step at a time, and always took a look at her back. That is why she got petrified when she suddenly her a voice behind her. It was impossible to not had seen him coming. And it was more imposible that the voice was from someone she recognized, and it wasn't Russell's.

- You really think you can do much by yourself?- he said.

Clarke was so shocked that she didn't dare to turn around and face the person talking. It didn't matter anyway, she saw that person walking right pass her to stand in front of her. He smirk at her with that familiar face that she missed so much, and also haunted her at night. He stand there with his hands inside the pockets of his jacket in a lazy matter just has he did when he was alive.

- Finn...

- Seriously Clarke why were you so impulsive, I thought that was Bellamy's job.

Clarke had tears running through her face, she knew what this was but her effort to shake her head back to reality where lacking. She took a deep breath closing her eyes to calm her racing heart. She then open them and firmly hold her gun to stop her hand from shaking, and look directly at him.

- You are not real - she said like remaining herself.

- What else is new? Did I died just so you could endanger yourself voluntarily?- he said this time more serious.

She really was scolding herself, her mind was scolding her for leaving the rest behind. This almost made her laugh, and then, another voice sounded.

-  No, you died so she could kill me.

Clarke followed the voice and at just few meter from her, Dante sr was looking at her with his fake benevolent smile on his face. He look just like Clarke remember him, with his white hair intact. His words enraged Clarke instead of frightened her.

- you reap what you sow- she said with more tears falling, she never wanted to kill him, but it was him or her mother.

- Do that help you sleep at night? - he said while was walking toward her with the elegance that always emanate when he lived.

- Well Clarke he is right - said Finn that was looking at her on a strange way, almost mocking her - you do always made the choices, and that is why we are dead, and you alive. Tell me what are you telling your baby when it grow up. What an impression of it's mother's doesn't it?

- Yeah, Clarke you should do yourself a favor and just enter the anomaly already. No one is gonna miss you.- said dante with a smile.

- you always made de choice of who lives of died- said Finn getting close to her, and in a whisper finish - what don't you decided over you own and end it.

Clarke was at the edge of exploding and shouting at them, forgetting they were not real. When she felt that someone grab her from behind, his arm was around her neck trying to chock her. But he didn't have time to grabbed her tightly enough, she her elbow and hit his stomach, at the same time she kick one of his leg and when she turn around hit his face with her gun, making him bleed and fall to the floor.

As Clarke had expected, Russell was in the floor and screaming in pain. Finn and Dante had disappeared, but the screams from before came back as a hit in her head. She was so mad and of the breach of tears, that without even thinking she pointed her gun at Russell and was about to pull the trigger.

- Wait!!

Clarke raised her head and saw her mother in front of her.... her mother's body... the person in front of her was someone else, and she needed to remember that.

- Clarke you don't want to do that - Simone started saying and try to get close to get. She had seen too many cases of people under the influence of the red sun toxin, she knew that Clarke wasn't thinking clear right now, and she took the chance. - Honey is me .... is me lower the gun... you really don't want to kill him.

Clarke knew that she wasn't her mother, but her thoughts were a mess, she knew it... but something in her voice felt familiar.... she knew her mother was dead.... but What if... what if she survived... just like her... NO , that wasn't possible... but What good that would be...

Clarke had started lowering her weapon unconsciously, little by little and Simone was getting close. Clarke was like hypnotized , when she looked at Simone she could see her mother talking, she even saw her smile, and felt the warm that always gave her. When they almost were close enough to touch, Clarke's was awoken from her daze.

- CLARKE!! - Bellamy shouted when he showed through the bushes followed closely by Gabriel and Octavia. This not only woke her but also distracted her , which gave the perfect opportunity to Simone to grab her gun. At seeing this, Clarke act fast and kicked the gun out of her hand, and that is when Simone threw the first punch.

Hey guys , sorry it took me so long to write this chapter, is just that I got stuck and I had a bunch of homework too, plus I really want to give this story a decent ending. Yeah I kinda follow the show on Abby storyline, but I couldn't bear to kill someone else. I hope you are enjoying this story. If you want comment what are your thoughts. " be well, be kind"❤️

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