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John woke up to the loud clattering of plates.

He could already tell that something big was happening. He just didn't know what it was.

Everything moved quickly here. Hell he's only been here two days and something big is happening already.

John shuffled meekly out of his bed towards his giant oak closet. He pulled out his normal guard attire and quickly changed into it. 

His sword and gun tucked away into there respective sheaths. 

John wondered if he would ever have to use them. 

He probably would have to now that he thinks about it.

Molly was bustling around the castle. Cleaning rooms. Putting away dishes. Doing the laundry. She was doing it all for tonight. 

For tonight was a ball. 

She loved balls, even though she could never fully attend one. It was not because the king and queen said she couldn't. In reality they would be delighted if she did. 

It's just that she couldn't dance even if her life depended on it. So she would rather spend her time watching the pretty woman and handsome men spin around the dance floor. 

Molly smiled a little at the thought. 

But her smile was short lived when she almost ran straight into Sherlock's new guard. 

"Oh my! Sorry there I-", "Have you seen him??!", John rushed out. 

Molly stared at him in confusion. Then her mouth made a slight 'O' shape. 

"You mean Sherlock?".

"Yes! Of course the prince", John said hastily. 

Molly giggled a little and said, "You don't need to worry, I saw him walk out to the garden. By the way my name is Molly, you are the new guard yes?".

John nodded, but Molly could still see the worry in his eyes. 

"I could take you to him if you would like", Molly suggested. John nodded quickly. 

"Alright follow me! By the way I didn't catch your name", Molly said meekly. 

John just smiled at her. 

"My names John, John Watson".

Molly nodded. 

"It suits you". 

The Prince - JohnlockWhere stories live. Discover now