Final Chapter.

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A/N: Thank you for reading guys. I appreciate all of the support you've given me through this story and I am happy that I got to write this for all of you lovely people. I stayed up till almost 6am writing this for you so I hope it doesn't suck. If it does, I'll edit it later when I wake up. I am dying with exhaustion. Side note, don't forget to check out Michael's story "Marked in Silver" it will have more action than this one and it will be paranormal as well. Thanks again for reading. Enjoy!


Final Chapter.

"Did you really think that you could hide from me? Come on Lucas, you know better than that," Darion's green eyes had lost their human appearance. Now they looked slitted, like snake eyes, almost glowing.

"I was hoping you would give up once you realized it was too much work," Luke said with a shrug. He looked calm and unpreoccupied on the surface, but in reality there was a storm raging inside of him. He was afraid. Not for himself, but for Gabrielle. He was inconspicuously watching the two Sluaghs behind Darion, mentally going through the odds of him finding a way to beat them while keeping Darion as far away as he possibly could from Elle. Needless to say, the odds weren't very promising. 

"Well, I'm sorry to inform you that you misplaced your hopes on an absurd idea. I would scour the entire Earth to find her, even if I have to go through you," the demon said.

 At the words uttered by Darion, lines wrinkled Luke's forehead as he frowned. 

"Why are you so interested in her particularly? I can't see you going through so much trouble with every single person that has signed one of your contracts but wants out of it," Luke voiced aloud his troubling thoughts with a bad feeling rising on his skin in the form of goosebumps. 

"Oh why Luke, I want her for the same reason you do; for her soul".

Suddenly Luke found that it was hard to breathe. Nothing was restricting him from doing so, nothing physical at least. It was fear. 

"What does he mean?" Luke heard Elle ask from behind. He couldn't face her again, so he kept his gaze on Darion.

 "Why are you both so interested in my soul?" Elle pressed the matter, because she was done being out of the loop, especially when it concerned her.

Taking a deep breath, Luke prepared to tell her the truth, but Darion beat him to it.

"Because you are his soul mate," he said.

Luke froze as the demon said the words. He had planned on telling her. He had thought about telling her for weeks. But he kept waiting for the right time and the right time never came.

He had known from the very start, since that first night when she walked into the parlor, with sad eyes and a broken heart. He had known from the very same instant that he looked into those stormy blue eyes of hers. But he had ignored it. He ignored that feeling in his chest, like a missing fragment of his whole being had returned to him after being long lost. It was like his soul had released a sigh of relief. But he pretended it wasn't important. He fooled himself into believing it was his imagination. Except the connection between them was instantaneous and so natural, that he found himself letting his guard down at a rapid pace. Before long, he was so caught up in her that he knew he was screwed. But at that point he no longer cared, he was way past wanting to stay away. She was a part of him all along and she was his home, where his heart now resided. 

"Luke-" whatever Elle was going to say was cut off by Luke's words.

"You're my soul mate," he confirmed, "And I've known it for a very long time".

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