Chapter Ten.

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Chapter Ten.

They were in total bliss.

At this point, both were snuggled closely together on the client chair, for it was the most comfortable seating in the tattoo parlor. Luke had covered both of them with a faded grey blanket that he keeps around for when he doesn't want to go home and stays there instead.

Their gazes were locked on the other's, because they both found it hard to look at anything else but the person in front of them; who they had shared the most intimate act known to humankind with.

He was drawing circles on the bare skin of her arm with his thumb when he spoke, "I have many flaws, Elle. But there is one in particular that I posses that has been responsible for many tragic events in my lifetime".

She processed what he said. They had been quiet for a while now, just content with looking at each other and sharing kisses and caresses. But there was something obviously on Luke's mind, and Elle wanted him to feel comfortable enough to tell her anything he wanted to share.

"We all have flaws that get us into trouble," she said carefully. She was afraid of saying the wrong thing and have him close off on her, she had seen it happen before.

"It's different with me. Bad things, very bad things happened because of how I am, for not keeping my nature in check," he replied softly. He was still drawing circles on her arm, his blue eyes holding hers. The only difference was that when he finished speaking, in a nervous gesture, he tugged at his lip ring with his teeth.

Elle found the action slightly distracting. She placed her hand on his cheek and saw his eyes close at the contact. This made her smile and her heart swelled with a grand amount of emotion

Since they were so close in proximity, she only had to move a little bit to kiss his lips gently. He kissed her back hesitantly before putting his hand over the one she still had on his cheek.

"I love too quickly and too deeply; more than a regular," there was a pause while he found the right word, "person". "I don't want to mess this up... but I also don't want to lose you. I cannot sit around praying that a miracle happens. I fear God may not be on our side this time. So I need to do something, anything that I can, to save you. This might sound irrational too you, maybe even a little, or a lot crazy, but I would give up my life to save yours". His voice was shaky with emotion and Elle had to hold her breath. She couldn't believe the words coming out of his mouth. It wasn't just irrational, it was illogical that he cared for her so deeply. But he did, she could see it in the fierceness of his eyes that he did.

"Luke." She didn't know what else to say.

"It's okay, I just need you to know, because we never know how much time we have left. Life does end at the blink of an eye. I don't want to have that one regret. I love you; it's as simple and as complicated as that".

She wanted to cry, but she wasn't sure why. Maybe because it was the first time someone said those words to her in a very long time. Her parents had lost the habit years ago and she had isolated herself from the rest of civilization, so she had no one else. No friends, no boyfriends; nobody.

"I love you too," she said. She was surprised to realize that she meant it. But Luke wasn't surprised at all. He knew in his heart what this was and he was both happy and angry about that fact.

Happy because he had found her. Angry because she could be taken away from him. Happy because they were together right now. Angry because it will not last.

A beep resonated nearby and recognizing the sound, Luke reached out for his phone on the desk. Even before reading it he knew their time was up. But he ignored the overbearing sadness that threatened to swallow him and looked at his phone.

There was one text from Michael

"Got your message. I'm on my way."


A/N: So things will start getting more interesting soon. Some action will be coming up in the last couple of chapters (I hope). So yeah if you have any theories, comments or opinions on any of it, do not hesitate on sharing them with me in the comments. I love reading things from you guys.

As always, I want to thank you for reading this. 7,000 reads were reached 2 days ago and I'm very happy. I hope you continue enjoying what's left of the story.

Stay Awesome,

Liz x

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