One Direction 1 Shots ~Savannah and Harry + Louis PRT 3

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It ends up a struggle a massive struggle. Really really funny, but super annoying to. Liam, Zayn, and Niall have joined in as well now. There putting pressure on Harry and Louis. And its hilarious.

After a while, the 5 swim back they hide how’s gotten it. But when the get on the sand. I notice each of them have a bit of it, “Were all going to tea?” I ask “Yes” Says Niall. But then they start to hand the pieces to Louis and Harry “Go on” says Zayn “you three go” I smile and hug Zayn “Thank you, thanks so much.

Louis and Harry grab my hand, and we walk off the beach up to a local restaurant.  That’s when I know I’m one of the luckiest girls at that moment. When we arrive at the restaurant, first there are all girls swarming round them. But eventually the girls go, when they see there with a girl me. I’m glad bout that. And Louis and Harry seem to be glad to.

We sit down at a table that overlooks the water. And we can see Zayn, Liam and Niall mucking round. “This is nice” Harry says the waiter comes over “Harry Styles?” She asks, Harry nods puts on the cutest look ever, and the waiter swallows “Harry, Styles it can’t be” Harry nods “Well it is Love, what’s ur name?” The waitress blushes “Im Sandra” she holds out a hand “Please to met you Sandra” Sandra smiles “May, I take your order?” she asks politely “Sure you can” Louis rolls his eyes “Typical” he whispers to me “This happens all the time”

I smile “Are you Harry’s Girlfriend?” Sandra asks me “NO” I say Harry looks at me, as if forgetting why I’m there “Savannah, this is Sandra” he says politely “Pleased to met, you, I’m just a massive fan” Sandra smiles “Me to, your so lucky, wish I could have tea with these guys” she smiles at Harry and Louis “Oh, you can Sandra” Harry says “Take a sit” Sandra smiles “Haz” Louis whispers “we are here with Savannah, don’t spoil it” Haz nods “Sorra Sandra, I’m sure your boss won’t approve” “Your right he will not” She says “order please, and I’ll be on my way”

Harry turns to me, “Sorra bout that Savannah, it wasn’t very romantic, if I invited Sandra to sit in on it was it?” I just smile “Was not at all” Louis says “It would be even more romantic if Lou, wasn’t here” he points out, Lou pulls a face “Same to you Haz”  

 “So come on Savannah tell us bout yourself” Says Haz turning to me I smile and begin to speak. And explain.

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