One Direction 1 Shots ~ Katherine and Harry + Niall PRT 1

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It was Halloween, and the weather was perfect for it. Wet, windy and kind of stormy. Most of the younger kids had chosen not to enter the haunted house. I couldn’t’ blame them, when I was twelve and younger I’d never set foot in place as scary as the haunted house. But I wasn’t twelve any more. I wasn’t easily scared either. I was a fully-grown mature adult. I was an eighteen year old.

I looked at my scary costume in the hallway mirror. It was a full mirror, so I scanned my costume from top to toe. I had to admit I did look pretty scary, which was the main reason about Halloween. I reminded myself.

It was hard to believe under all that costume there was a totally different girl.

A girl with light brown wavy hair, eyes that change colour from green or blue or grey. And tanned skin with some very small freckles on her nose.

I looked so different; I liked the way I looked now although it was scary and quite freaky.

“Are you ready yet dear?” Mum calls coming along the hallway to see me “Yes” I say spinning her direction to show her my full costume, she looks at my and she spins around, her back faces me.  “Oh dear” She says not turning around “You look hideous” “I’ll take that as a compliment mum” I say, spinning back to the mirror to admire my looks again “And anyway Mum, I’m suppose to look hideous” I point out  “it is Halloween” “Yes” Mum says coming over to me “Your right dear, I’m sorry, well I hope you have a nice night, who’s taking you again?” She asks.

I spin slowly around to her. “You know, the crew from One Direction” I say “Yes of course Dear” Mum says “Well Harry and Niall are going to be here any minute now, along with Liam, Louis and Zayn” I say. “Oh yes you mentioned that earlier Dear, then what will you do door knocking for candy?” I shake my head “No Mum” I say “We are to old for that now, we are up for bigger and better scares” I explain, Mum nods “Like?” “Like the haunted house on the hill” I say “OH, my” Mum says, holding her mouth “Yes, of course Dear, well I have to admit that place is a real scare” I nod “I’ll be fine mum, I can take care of myself” I say “Sure of course Dear you can, well have a good time, curfew is 1:25 okay?” “Okay Mum I’ll be back” I say.

I wait patiently for One Direction to come pick me up.

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