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𝖆𝖈𝖙 𝖋𝖔𝖚𝖗, 𝖘𝖈𝖊𝖓𝖊 𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖙𝖞 𝖋𝖔𝖚𝖗


"What do you mean?" Zoe asked, taking a step closer to him. The girl was even more confused than before.

"What I mean is I was falling in love with you and by leaving you for Jessica it made those feelings go away," Billy sighed.

"I thought you were in love with Jessica? Why can you love her and not me?" Zoe asked.

"I was never in love with her... I don't know why I told you that," Billy shrugged.

Zoe shook her head and scoffed. "You broke me, Billy," Zoe said. Billy pursed his lips. "You are a complete asshole!" She yelled.

"I know," Billy agreed. "I still have feelings for you... I have this entire time, and I know what I have to do," Billy sighed. Zoe furrowed her eyebrows. "I have to break up with her... it's what's right for her and me," Billy said.

"You need to sort your shit out before you jump into relationships Billy, and don't be scared of love... I wouldn't of hurt you," Zoe said.

"I know," Billy whispered.

The next day Billy woke up and immediately headed over to Jessica's house. He found the blonde girl up in her room putting makeup on. Jessica knew something was up with her boy when he didn't give her a passionate kiss but she shrugged it off as him being moody.

"Good morning," Jessica smiled, giving him a hug and rubbing makeup over his denim jacket. The girl quickly brushed it off.

"Morning," Billy said, sitting on her bed. Jessica watched as his features began to drop, he was upset.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Jessica asked, playing with his hair.

"I have to tell you something... and i'm sorry in advance," Billy sighed. Jessica furrowed her eyebrows and sat next to him. "We have to breakup," he said.

Jessica's eyes widened at the words. "Why? You love me!" She yelled.

"I don't... I'm sorry if I sound like an ass but I can't lie to you any longer, you deserve to be with someone who can love you completely," Billy said. "Unfortunately, I am not that person," he frowned.

Jessica was confused, what had changed? "Did I do something?" she asked.

"No... It's me," Billy sighed. "I've had feelings for Zoe this entire time and I've had fun with you, but it's unfair for me to stay with you when I feel this way for Zoe," Billy explained.

"Please stay, I don't mind! I can help you get over her! Please," Jessica begged.

Billy pursed his lips. "I'm sorry Jessica, but it just doesn't feel right," he shrugged.

Jessica shook her head. "Please... don't leave me," Jessica said, grabbing his arm. "I don't care if you like her, I can help you get over her," Jessica smiled, grabbing at his crotch area. Billy protested but she was persistent to make him stay with her.

"I slept with her on her birthday!" Billy yelled. He wasn't originally going to tell her this, but he knew that he needed her to hate him in order for her to let him leave.

"W-What?" Jessica stuttered, moving away from him.

"I had sex with her on her birthday... we were both drunk as hell," Billy sighed.

"That's okay! You were drunk it's fine, we can be together still, I don't mind," Jessica smiled, tears gathering in her eyes.

Billy groaned, he didn't want to be mean, but nothing was working. He hoped that this would. "I loved it, every second of it. I wanted to keep going when I finished, I forgot that you even existed when it happened and I want to do it again right now," Billy began. "Even thinking about it makes me want to leave here and run to Zoe's... she's the best fuck i've ever had," Billy said. He watched as Jessica began to cry. "That's why we have to break up... I want to be with Zoe... i'm sorry," Billy said.

"Get the fuck out and don't ever come back!" Jessica yelled.

Billy listened to the girl and stood up. He left the house and drove over to Zoe's to tell her the news, in hopes it would change their relationship.

Billy felt bad for how he had to end things with Jessica, but he kept reminding himself that it had to be done.

Billy arrived at Zoe's house and found the gang out on the porch, drinking coffee. Billy took a seat next to Zoe.

"I did it," he spoke. All eyes turned to him. "I broke up with Jessica," he said.

"Thank god!" Jesse yelled. "She was a nightmare."

"I second that," Lindsey said with a nod.

"Yeah, me too," Katherine chuckled. "I hated her from the second I met her," Katherine said.

"I didn't mind her," Zoe shrugged. The group began to laugh, they knew Zoe was being sarcastic. If anyone hated her the most, it was Zoe.

"How did you dump her?" Jesse asked.

"I told her I wanted to break up," Billy lied. He didn't plan on telling his friends the truth.

"Fair enough," Katherine chuckled. "Bring on Billy and Zoe!" She yelled, Jesse and Lindsey began to whistle and clap.

Billy glanced over at Zoe. "No! No, been there done that," Zoe raised her hands. "Don't feel like being heartbroken again," she smiled, sadly.

Billy sighed, he wanted to be with her. Billy wanted to be her boyfriend, for real this time and he was going to do everything in his power to be just that. Billy was going to be Zoe's perfect boyfriend.

If she would let him...

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