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𝖆𝖈𝖙 𝖔𝖓𝖊, 𝖘𝖈𝖊𝖓𝖊 𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖊

AN ODD FRIENDSHIP___________________________________

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It was Monday once again and Zoe had just arrived at school, ready for the long day ahead of her. She still wasn't ready to face Billy though and she prayed that he wouldn't come to school, but her prayers weren't taken into consideration as Billy pulled up right next to her.

Zoe's eyes widened and she fumbled to grab her things from the front seat before slamming her door shut. She dropped her keys. "Fuck," she mumbled, bending over to pick them back up and then proceeding to lock her car.

Zoe spun around to walk off only to come face to face with Billy, she gulped. Billy stared down at her, throwing his cigarette on the ground and squashing it with his foot.

"Morning," Zoe said, giving him an awkward smile.

Billy gave her nod. "You okay now?" Billy asked, crossing her arms over his chest. "You were pretty upset Friday night," Billy said.

"I know... I remember," Zoe said, pursing her lips. "Yes, i'm okay know," Zoe shrugged. She was sure that he didn't actually care about her, he obviously just wanted to get in her pants or something. Billy Hargrove didn't care about people's feelings.

Billy nodded, stretching his arms. "If he bothers you, come find me," Billy said, looking at her dead in the eyes.

Zoe furrowed her eyebrows but nodded nonetheless. Billy walked away and Zoe watched as he did so. The girl felt new feelings inside of her, she felt as though someone finally had the time to care about her and look out for her. Zoe genuinely felt happy after Billy's actions, even if they were just a ploy to get into her pants.

Billy sat at a table on his own and finally Zoe tore her eyes off of him and walking towards the schools entrance, heading straight for her locker, nothing but a smile on her face as she shoved her things inside of the small compartment.

The bell rang and unfortunately for Zoe she shared the first 3 periods with Brandon. Zoe groaned as she headed to Math, the class that she was alone with Brandon in. Zoe always hated math, she wasn't good at it.

Zoe sat down in her assigned seat, which was right next to Brandon. Zoe doubted that Brandon wouldn't be at school, he barely ever had days off simply because he hated being at home. Zoe proved herself right when he walked into the room and sat right next to her. Zoe sighed, she knew that this was going to be a long period.

zoe | b. hargrove Where stories live. Discover now