Chapter 11☆Perfect end to a perfect day

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We arrived at a restaurant out of town it was so beautiful. There was a red carpet to welcome the guests, velvet ropes, a huge queue of people wanting to get in, purple lights lighting up the carpet and a grand door for the entrance. I felt like I was a celebrity at a red carpet event. I then realised the queue was massive. We were never going to get in there. But just as we got to the queue he walked straight pass the people and straight to the entrance, I was really confused but I followed him. He got to the guy at the door and asked for him name. He said his name then the man excused himself for not realising. How did this person know who he was? It was then it hit me, how did I not remember? His dad was a millionaire,  he owned many businesses in this city and a lot of other places around our home town.

He smiled at me then led me to our table. It was so nice inside, just the right amount of everything. Then our starter came; toast with pate. It was so nice, I never even knew about this pate before and now I'm probably gonna try and find this, its French so I might have to wait until French week at Lidl but oh well. I looked at him and smiled. He smiled back at me and said "right, now your mine expect to be treated with amazing respect because if anyone does hurt you trust me I won't let it go easily and don't expect to wait for things longer than 10 minutes ok. My dad basically owns half of this country so a lot of people know my name." "Thank you, but I don't really deserve all this" I responded looking down at my main, chicken enchiladas and salad. The food was so nice.

"You do deserve this, right don't laugh at me when I say this but, I've always liked you since the beggining of high school. You always interested me, you were so gentle with people, you are still friends with people from year 7 which is pretty amazing seeing how many people lose a friend every week yet you manged to keep every single one of your friends from 4 years. You are beautiful, you get along with my group of weird friends and you are just simply perfect." He smiled at the last 5 words and so did I "wow, I have always liked you aswell. Since I saw you walk into my 1st ever class I thought you were gorgeous, I mean your everything a girl would want, blue eyes, blonde hair, perfect accent and as a plus you ride. I never thought you were ever gonna go for me though because you had girls around you asking for your number." I said "I saved their numbers in the phone I hardly ever use unless I'm having a party and I want a lot of people to come. Anyway yeah, I thought you wouldn't go for me seeing as I was considered as a 'bad boy' according to my teachers" he air quoted bad boy "and honestly I never even loved a girl before you, your my first real girlfriend the others just wanted the popularity and sex" he said that in a whispering voice. I was shocked, stunned, completely taken back by what had just came out of his luscious mouth. I was his first love? Turns out this 'bad boy' wasn't as bad as everyone thought. I had heard he had sex at least a couple times. " were my first love too" I finally said, I noticed relief washed over his face as I said this.

As we carried on with our meal we just talked about everything and laughed the whole night I finally got home and it was 9ish I kissed him one last time and this time it lasted a while, I think it would do me until I next see him, luckily.

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