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"Look at you, all grown up." Monica sadly smiled at her 18 year old daughter.

"It's just graduation, mom. I'm not getting married."

"You're right, Lucy." Monica said, lacing her arms with her daughters as they started leaving the school hall where the graduation ceremony took place.

Monica still couldn't believe how time just flew by. It felt like yesterday when she was in the hospital room giving birth to Lucy. Now her little Lucy was little no more.

At least she'd have her daughter nearby since Lucy didn't want to go far away from home for university.

"Where's dad?" Lucy asked. "I couldn't spot him in the crowd when I went on stage."

Monica shrugged. "All the seats near the stage were taken by the time he came. Probably sat at the back. Don't stress honey, I'm sure your dad saw the whole ceremony."

Lucy nodded as they made it up to the car. They were going to a restaurant where she was going to meet her friends for a celebratory lunch and some of the parents were going to join them.

"Oh! Your dad is meeting us at the restaurant." Monica said reading the text on her phone.

"He already left?" Lucy pouted as the car roared to life and they were on their way to the their destination.

"Don't tell him, that I told you but he has a surprise for you." Monica said, briefly glancing at Lucy.

The teen gasped. "Is it a car?!"


"What? It's not like you guys can't afford it." Lucy jokingly said.

Monica shook her head, a small laugh leaving her lips. "No, it is not a car. Hopefully."

"Mom!" Lucy exclaimed. "But if it is a car, I'll cherish it forever. Besides I need one if I'm going to attend University. I need something to get me back and forth between school and home."

"I'll think about it." Monica said as they arrived at the restaurant.

"I'm kissing the car goodbye, aren't I." Lucy mumbled and listened to her mom laugh as they both exited the car.

As soon as the pair walked into the restaurant, Lucy excitedly joined her friends and their conversation about a brand new car was forgotten.

Monica shook her head, a small smile playing on her lips as she watched the group of friends interact. She walked up to another table where all the parents were seated.

"Donna?!" Monica gasped in excitement noticing her little sister seated at the table. "What are you doing here?!"

"I couldn't miss my niece's graduation." Donna walked up to the older woman and the two sisters embraced in a tight hug.

"I haven't seen you in 2 years! How's Rome been?" Monica asked.

Donna married a man that owned several popular hotels in Europe and moved there to live with her husband. They now had a 3 year old son.

Over the years, Donna would fly over to visit. But two years had been the longest time she'd gonde without seeing her.

"Rome was lovely!" Donna smiled. "Skyping and talking over the phone wasn't enough. I didn't realise I'd miss you so much."

"I missed you too. Where's the family?"

"Oh! Mike took Nathan with him to go get a present for Lucy." Donna shyly said. "But don't worry, they'll be here soon. They left after Lucy walked the stage."

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