Week 1: Day 3

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Monica sighed as walked into the house that afternoon. She plopped down on the couch as she thought about the stressful previous day and morning she had.

She went at the bank that morning to see if she could get a loan for the damages, but the trip was unsuccessful.

Then she interviewed a few construction people to negotiate on a lower price, but they wouldn't budge.

And to top it all off, seeing the amount that she needed to pay to fix everything nearly gave her a heart attack. It was too much. Even buying a new space is out of the question.

Monica walked down the hall to the bedroom, untying her curly hair out of the pony tail. She stood in front of the mirror and looked at her appearance.

Tired forest green eyes stared at her, the bags under her eyes growing more darker because of the lack of sleep. Her skin looked dull, even her face was now invaded by little pimples on her face due to stress and her now unhealthy eating habits.

'You need to lighten up girl! Her mind snapped at her.

Monica nodded. She went to the kitchen, going to prepare dinner. She wanted to make something delicious for tonight and just have fun. An idea popped into her head.


A sexy night with her husband was what she needed to forget her problems tonight.

She started preparing the greasy food, also making a special dessert.

'We will worry about the extra weight some other day.'


James walked out of the boardroom after a stressful meeting with one of the investors. He was sick and tired of making so many changes to one building.

"Damn man! Its been ages, I think the food is even cold."

"Alex?! What are you doing here man?" James asked his childhood best friend as he walked to his office.

"I'm in town for a month on business. I wanted to come and chill a bit with you." Alex replied. "But I didn't think I'd be sitting in the waiting room for almost and hour."

"Sara, cancel the lunch." James called to his secretary as he walked into his office.

"Yes Mr Ecker."

"Your unable to please them I see." Alex chuckled, walking in after him and closing the door.

"These people are killing me." James sighed, craning his neck. "Either the roof is not high enough or the floor designs are not "up to their standards."

"Whew! It's what you signed up for." Alex said as they begun eating.

"Not to be mind fucked I didn't. They give constant headaches."

"You will bounce back sooner or later. How's the wife and the bakery?"

"She's doing good, but it's tough for her to be home and do almost nothing. The construction is coming along at least."

Before Alex could reply, there was a knock at the office door.

"Come in!"

Sara walked in, holding a folder in her hand. "Sorry sir, but this came in for you."

James took it from her. Sara made sure to brush her fingers against her bosses ones, her eyelids fluttering.

"And Mr Rogers says to meet him in his office after lunch."

"Thank you Sara." James smiled.

"Anytime Mr Ecker." Sara purred as she walked out, making sure put a sway in her hips.

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