Week 5: Day 6

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"How is she?"

Donna worriedly bit her lip and shook her head. "At least she fell asleep, but she's been crying almost all night and day."

Donna looked down, noticing the frustration and confused look on her mom's face.

"What's wrong, huh?" The older woman asked. "How can James just leave her like that?"

"Mama, James isn't at fault here." Donna said too quickly, trying to defend her brother in law.

"Are you going to tell what happened? That argument wasn't just a simple lovers spat." Her mom said.

"It's not my place to say anything." Donna shook her head and was about to leave the guest bedroom so that she could avoid further interrogation.

"Yes it is!" Donna heard her mother harshly let out. "Talk, now!"

Donna sighed, shaking her head as she battled with her conscious on whether she should tell her mom or not.

"Really mom? You didn't get what the argument was about?"

"Draw a mind map for me because last night I heard a lot of things that I still don't understand."

"Monica cheated on James." Donna blurted out. Donna watched as her mom remained quiet, her face void of any emotions.

"Why?" The woman finally asked.

Donna frowned. "Why would I kn-"

"You and your sister talk!" Her mom interrupted.

Donna shrugged. "Mom, your daughter is a mess. I know that you want to be mad at James, but it's Monica's fault in my opinion. She hid things from him and so he couldn't do right by her. Honestly, what I could be saying is probably wrong. Monica's the one that cheated, not me."

"Who's the man she slept with?"

"Come on, ma-"

Donna stopped halfway her sentence and sighed seeing the hard stare she was receiving. It was pointless to dodge her mothers questions at this point.

"The contractor. Monica got all mushy in his hands the moment he gave her a discount."

"She slept with another man because she was given a discount!" The older woman yelled and Donna cringed when she realised how bad her reply sounded.

"No, no, no. I don't know! It was probably beyond that. Attraction maybe?" Donna said, not sure of the answer herself. She slumped her shoulders, exhausted already of answering so many questions.

Donna's mom sighed, disappointed by her eldest daughter's actions. The news Donna was telling her didn't ease the her confusion either. She'd have to wait until Monica woke up to get the full story she wanted.

Monica groaned as she stirred awake. Her head was pounding a bit and so she rested her head back on the pillow, trying to find a comfortable position for her head so that she can ease her headache.

"Good, you're awake."

Monica's eyes fluttered open, to see that her mom was seated on the edge of the bed, facing her.

"Not really." Monica croaked out. She cleared her throat and cringed in discomfort at how sore her throat was.

"Are you ready to talk?"

Monica shut her eyes closed before replying. "No."

"I could careless, so I want answers. Why sleep with another man?" The older woman bluntly asked.

"I don't know mom." Monica shrugged.

"That's bullshit and you know!"

Monica's eyes snapped open in shock at how harsh her mom's tone was.

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