Week 2: Day 2

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Walking into the shop and seeing the progress and everyone working around the place, gave Monica a sense of relief.

She was glad she met a nice person like Connor, who not only gave her a chance but is also removing the biggest weight she had been carrying on her shoulders for 2 months now.

'No more worries, only moving forward.'

"Mrs Ecker, I was hoping you would come by today."

Monica smiled as Connor walked up to her, giving her an unexpected hug.

"Oh! Yeah, I am actually surprised that you started. I thought I'd have to wait a few more weeks."

Connor nodded. "I can see how much this shop means to you and that is why I wanted to get an early start on it."

Monica looked around the almost clean room. Whatever rumble that was around, is almost gone.

"I bought the papers that you asked for. We can go to the shop across the street and discuss everything there while your men are still busy inside."

Connor agreed and they walked out going to the little jewellery store, where she knew the owner.

"Hey Tori." Monica greeted the young 19 year old blonde girl that stood behind the counter.

"Nic!" Tori walked up to Monica, giving her a hug. "I haven't seen you in a while."

"Yeah, have been trying to pull everything together."

"I'm sorry about the shop." Tori pouted. "I miss your cakes and pastries so much."

"Well, hopefully the shop will be up and running in no time."

Tori nodded, her eyes going up to the man that stood behind the green eyed woman.

Monica noticed and introduced them.

"This is Connor, he's the one helping with the construction. Connor this is Tori, she sells jewellery with her dad in this shop."

The pair exchanged hello's.

"Can we use your shop? We just want to have a little meeting."

"Fine by me. I was actually heading out in an hour, but since your here, I can leave just now and you'll watch the shop for me so long."

Monica nodded and watched as Tori took her bag and walked out the shop.

Monica pulled out some chairs for her and Connor to sit on as they started talking. They looked at the papers and went over them, discussing how she would pay for the costs and what will be needed.

"I'm glad that you agreed to this. Literally all the others turned down the offers and any ideas I had."

"Anything to help you out, Nic."

Monica cleared her throat. "Monica. It's actually Monica."

"Even better. A beautiful name for a beautiful woman." Monica blushed, shaking her head.

"If you don't mind me asking, what are you mixed with?"

"Oh! Caribbean and black. My grandmother is of Greek descent and my grandfather was born and raised in the Caribbean. That would explain the eyes of your wondering."

Connor smirked. "Yeah, you do have beautiful eyes. Great genes."

"What got you into construction?" Monica asked, looking down and changing the conversation.

Connor smiled, his eyes having a little twinkle that Monica didn't miss.

"My uncle used to fix everything in the small town I grew up in and I would accompany him when I had the chance. Just admiring his love for the craft and watching him fix things for other people, I wanted to do that."

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