Week 4: Day 1

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Monica paced back and forth, biting on her bottom lip nervously.

Coming to the university was a big mistake, but this was the only way.

If it meant bombarding her little sister like this, then so be it. It wasn't a good place to talk to her, but there was no other way.

It's been days and Donna still refused to speak to her and according to their mom, she's been moody.

Through her mom, she was able to learn that, Donna spent most evenings with her and would stay over, sleeping in her old room.

Their mother was even getting sick and tired of her being at the house and not going back to her residential room.

"Your sister is invading my space!" Her mom irritatingly voiced out.

"I didn't push you two kids out of my house so that you could come back home and ruin my new found independence! I have needs and your little sister is being a cock block!"

She didn't even need to hear that last part, but she was too stressed and guilt ridden to even reprimand her mom.

'If she only mom knew.'

If only she knew that she was behind Donna's new found moodiness.

Besides her mom complaining about her little sister, she seemed clueless about the events that happened. Which was a good thing.

She had been back from her cruise trip, and Monica wanted her mom to continue glowing from her latest adventure.

Her eyes frantically went from one student to the next as they started coming out.

Monica knew that Donna, had to be finished with one of her classes and if her little was the creature of habit she knew her to be, she was going back to her room to grab something to eat.

Donna was stingy when it came to money.

'The food they sell at university is too expensive!' She whined.

As luck would have it, Donna came out through the doors and was talking ever so animatedly with some boy by her side.

Monica walked up to her, and had to jog a little when, Donna saw her coming and decided to walk the other way.

"Donna!" Monica called after her, and did a light skip to catch up to her.

"Leave me alone!" Donna said, her pace quickening.

Monica heavily breathed out, as she eventually caught up to her and grabbed her arm.

Donna rolled her eyes, snatching her arm from Monica's grasp.

"Stop harassing me, Monica!" Donna harshly bit out, making her old sister cringe.

"Donna please! Stop ignoring me."

"If you don't leave me alone now, I am going to scream." Donna said, cocking her head.

"Stop acting out! I don't know why your doing this to me." Monica shrugged.

Donna scoffed.

"Bye, Monica." Donna walked off, leaving her older sister to gape at her retreating form.

Monica waited until she rounded the corner and then quickly turned back to her car.

Donna was walking to her place and she'd be there before the younger woman got there.


"How did your talk go?"

James stared down at his fingers, fiddling with them. He heavily breathed out as he shook his head.

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