Week 4 : Day 4

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"You have no idea how happy I am!" Monica watched as Silvia blushed and excitedly bounced up and down the chair.

She couldn't help but feel jealous of her friend because of how happy she was while she was still miserable.

A yawn escaped her mouth. She spent the whole night waiting for James, but he never showed up. She couldn't blame him because he kinda did hint at the fact that he wasn't sleeping at home.

'More like a slap in the face, obvious.'

But she was still angry and definitely tired.

"Am I boring you?" Silvia asked, snapping her away from her thoughts.

Monica shook her head. "No. Sorry, I slept at around 4am and I'm tired.

Silvia smirked and Monica couldn't help but roll her eyes because she knew where her friend was going to take this conversation.

"James kept you up all night I see." Silvia wiggled her eyebrows and started laughing.

Monica shook her head as she avoided eyes from other people in the restuarant.

Suddenly, she stood up from her chair and ran to the toilet.

Silvia rolled her eyes in irritation as she started tapping her feet, waiting for her friend to come back.

"Geez, Nic! That's 5 times you went to the toilet since we got here. I think the employees might think that something is wrong with you in there! It's embarrassing." Silvia wrinkled her nose a bit.

Monica rolled her eyes, waving her friend off. "I told you, I've been consuming a lot of liquids today before you came by and look at me now, downing even more drinks." Monica said.

"Let's order some shots!" Silvia rose her arm up to get the attention of their waitress but Monica quickly leaned across the table, pulling the arm down.

"No Silvia, I can't drink." Monica said, slumping back in her seat.

"And why not?" Silvia's eyebrows rose in question.

"My periods. You know how it is, the early cramps before they come and drinking alcohol is just going to make it worse. I don't want to end up vomiting." Monica explained as she finished her ice tea.

Silvia pouted, giving Monica a pleading look. "Just one, Nic."

Monica shook her head. "I am not taking any chances again. Remember the last time."

Silvia pulled her face in disgust, remembering how bad her vomiting episode was.

"Just thinking about it makes me want to vomit." Silvia said, then sighed in disappointment. "Fine. We will have non alcoholic drinks."

Monica sat back in her chair as she listened to Silvia pick back up the discussion of her upcoming wedding.

She a slight pang in her heart as she continued listening. It felt like it was just yesterday when she was rambling about getting married.

Monica quickly blinked away tears. She couldn't cry in public or in front anymore for that fact. What she needed to do was think of a master plan that wouldn't seal her bad fate.


Donna quickly rushed out of what used to be her bedroom and into the kitchen to retrieve a snack for her journey to campus.

She glanced at the time and frustratedly sighed as her mind went all over the place and standing in front of an open fridge trying to decipher what to grab was proving to be even more of a time waster.

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