Week 2: Day 5

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Monica made sure to keep her focus on the task at hand, and that is avoiding eye contact with James.

He murmured a thank after Monica was done with the tie and  so James left for work.

3 days went, without talking to each other and sleeping in different rooms. She twirled the wedding ring on her finger, not sure how they got here.

Her mind wouldn't let her go that far as she shook her head, trying to get rid of those creeping thoughts. Monica sighed at the current situation at hand and how fucked up it was.


James walked into the office, ignoring Sara's greeting. His shoulders sagged at the site of his boss, Mr Roggers sitting on one of the chairs.

"Good morning sir." James said, shaking hands with his boss. "Did you schedule a meeting I forgot about?"

Mr Roggers shook his head as both men sat down in their respective chairs.

"No. I just wanted to pop by unexpectedly and see how your holding up. I know the investors were a little rough last week."

James chuckled. "I wish it was a little. They went in hard. But it comes with it when you do something you love. You learn to take it and make the most of it."

"That is why I hired you." Mr Roggers smiled.

He knew the first moment he hired James, that he made the right decision. In his years of working in the architectural business, he met a lot of talented and dedicated creators.

James was one of them. And he saw him going far.

"Thank you sir."

"But that is not why I stopped by." Mr Roggers folded his arms.

"Oh?" James eyebrows rose in question.

Mr Roggers shook his head.

"There was a young man here that came to visit and I understand that you too are close?"

"You mean Alex?" James wasn't sure who he was talking about, but guessed anyway since Alex has been the only to come in and visit him.

If Mr Roggers meant any of their clients, then he would have said who he was talking about.

"Oh! So that's his name." Mr Roggers's lips pursed. "I heard through the grape vine that he offered you some kind of job?"

"No sir." James straightened up in his chair. "I wasn't offered a job. Alex is a childhood friend. He asked me to help him design a new building for him and his partner. So...I'm just giving him some pointers."

"It's safe to assume that I won't be expecting a resignation letter on my desk anytime soon."

James laughed. "No sir. As much as it is challenging, I love my job here. If I ever decided to leave, you'd hear it from me first."

James internally sighed. Helping Alex out better not mess up his job here. He didn't need Mr Roggers doubting his loyalty to the company.


"Hey." Connor went up to Monica as she came in the door. He noticed that she looked off, and that didn't please him one bit.

"Hello." Monica greeted, her eyes glancing around the shop but him.

She couldn't bare to look at him. He was messing with her emotions and that didn't sit with her well.

"Can you please look at me?" Connor pleaded, his fingers going under her chin and turning her to look at him.

Monica blinked and moved her face away his fingers. This had to stop.

"Can you please just tell me how far along are you?"

Connor nodded. "We just properly starting fixing the other side. And most of the rumble is cleaned up."

Monica nodded and turned around to leave.

Connor grabbed her arm, stopping her from leaving.

"Can we please talk?"

"No." Monica turned to glare at him. His hand left hers and she walked out the shop, leaving him to work.


"You almost got fired today?" Alex looked his friend as James looked through some plans.

James frowned, taking a glance back at him then back to his work.

"No, where did you hear that?"

"When I passed by, I heard a few whispers from people saying you almost got fired."

James sighed, sick and tired of the rumours.

'When are people going to ever mind their own business?'

James shook his head, knowing it was going to be never. One thing people were never short of, was opinions.

"Your presence just rattled my boss a bit. He thought you were from another firm, trying to take away one of his best workers."

Alex nodded and his eyes fell on a desk picture of his best friend and his wife.

"When are you ever going to get rid of Sara man?"

James turned to look at Alex, taken aback by his question.

"Where are you coming from? If you thi-"

"Stop it man. I asked you when you broke up with her and also the day you got married to Monica. Just to get my point across, I am going to say it again whenever I feel I need to. You should leave Sara in the past. I don't understand how she's still working here and as your assistant."

James sighed. The last thing he wanted to hear come from Alex was a lecture, especially about Sara.

"I told you, Sara is good at her job an-"

"You mean at sucking you off?" Alex frowned.

"It's wrong of you to say that Alex. I am too busy to look for another assistant that will replace her. And she hasn't shown me that she's been incapable of doing her job."

"I can't believe your doing this to Monica."

"Doing what to her?!" James snapped. "You don't know what I'm growing through in my marriage."

"Get rid of Sara-"

"Stop making it about her!" James shouted. "Sara has and will never be a factor in my marriage and how it goes."

"Then stop running to your ex-girlfriend/secretary for comfort." Alex gritted out. "Because I honestly don't believe that your innocent."

James puffed out in frustration, gritting his teeth.

"Look, I am going through some shit with Monica and I guess that's why it looks like I am drifting away from her. I know my wife and I'd never slip up. Ever since she lost her bakery, we've been off. I am trying to be there for her, but I feel like it's useless when she won't let me in. I want, no...I need to feel needed-"

"Sara is not the one to do that." Alex sighed. "You need to get your act together. Couples go through this a lot and I can tell that it is affecting you, hard. Have a chat with Donna, she might help."

James pulled at his long hair, messing it up. He didn't know how he was going to pick up the pieces.

Just thinking about what has occurred, only frustrated him even further.

He needed to have a conversation Donna, sooner rather than later to see where the problem lay.

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