Week 1: Day 4

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James stretched that morning, waking up from his sleep. He stared at the ceiling for a moment, then face palmed himself as a particular memory came to mind.

The moment he walked into their bedroom, he knew that he fucked up.

A sweet scent wafted around the room and to his nose when he walked in. He saw the scented candles placed in some areas in the bedroom, plus the oils and lotion.

'You ruined what was going to be a good night buddy.' James thought, and that would also explain the food she cooked and the delicious chocolate sponge cake she made.

It was going to be one he'll of a night and he ruined it by inviting his friend over.

Last night when they went to bed, James thought about how he was going to make it up to her. Monica was fed up, he could tell and he needed to lift her spirits up a bit.

James knew how much Monica wanted to be independent and that was one of the things that attracted her to him ever since he caught her staring at him at that restaurant.

He chuckled, remembering that he waited 2 months for her to call. All of James's friends thought he was crazy - he thought so too - but he waited. And when she finally called, he was excited.

Getting to know her that year and spending time with was enough for him to know that he made the right decision in marrying her.

At first he was scared that race might be a problem in their relationship, but it wasn't bad. All he had to get used to was the culture shock he's and still experiencing in being with Monica.

Yes, they would get looks - and still do - at some places they went to, but they learned to ignore them and not let them factor into their relationship.

James was glad that his parents welcomed her with open arms. His parents were happy to finally find the woman that brought joy to their child's heart.

He got up from bed to get ready for another day at work. After he was done showering he picked out a suit for the day and a tie. He couldn't decide between the midnight blue one and the burgundy one.

Walking out of the bedroom, he made his way to the kitchen where his wife was preparing breakfast.

Quietly, James leaned against the door frame just mesmerised by Monica's movement. He loved how short she was compared to his height, gave him an excuse to pick her up each time he kissed her and press her to his body.

Her curly hair in a loose bun, some of it falling out of the bun and on to her face. James loved her exotic forest green eyes she got from her mother. A lovely woman from the Caribbean, she is also mixed. And her dad was a black man from South Africa.

And her body. She had the most prefect breasts that fit wonderfuly in his hands when he played with them. He loved her wide hips and petite ass.

James silently chuckled, as he watched his wife take a big bite out of a pickle. Also one of the many things he loved about her, she wasn't scared of eating crazy in fear of gaining weight.

"Are you done gawking?" Monica asked, her back to him. He came back to reality and walked into the kitchen.

"No." James smirked, walking up behind her. "I love admiring the beauty that's in front of me."

Monica blushed, turning to look at her husband. "How did you sleep?"

"Knowing that you were next to me, I slept great!" James said leaning down to kiss her.

Monica kissed him back, enjoying the feel of his soft, plum lips. She moaned when she felt him suck gently on her bottom lip.

James dropped the ties and his hands started to roam her body. He snaked one of his hands down to her butt. She gasped when she felt him squeeze it. He took the opportunity to plunge his tongue into her mouth. His other hand moved into her hair, deepening the kiss.

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