Week 7: Day 1

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Monica gasped at the tall building she stood in front of. When Mr Rodgers mentioned a start up firm, she didn't expect to see fancy building. James was definitely going to be doing good here.

Her stomach was beginning to feel funny and it definitely wasn't the morning sickness. Monica rubbed her hands together in nervousness when she began walking towards the entrance.

Once inside, she walked straight towards the front desk.

"Hi, can you please tell me what floor the architectural department is on."

"And who are you meeting?" The woman asked.

"Mr Ecker." Monica quickly replied, letting out a deep breath.

The woman gave her directions and Monica thanked her. She walked to the elevator and pressed the floor button and waited for it to come down.

As time went on, Monica became even more nervous. The one hour drive she thought would calm her was now in vain.

It was a difficult task getting any kind of new info about James's whereabouts or where he lived.

She tried calling James's parents, but she wasn't strong or brave enough to talk to them. Donna tried calling Alex, but he too didn't know where James was, which was odd that even his best friend knew nothing. And her chances of finding him seemed slim.

Then, Monica remembered to call James's boss and as if lady luck was on her side, she received the new address to the architectural firm and now here she was, not ready to see James. But she had to.

Once on the floor, the younger woman's eyes scanned her surroundings and gave a few smiles as some of the workers walked pass by her and greeted.

"Uhm, ma'am? Can I help you?"

Monica snapped out of her daze and realised that her legs carried her in front of, who she guessed was the secretary's desk.

She cleared her throat and smiled at the girl. "Yes. Can I see James, please."

"Do you have an appointment with Mr Ecker?" The woman behind the desk politely asked.

Monica shocked her head. "Just tell him that it's important."

The woman sadly smiled and Monica internally rolled her eyes when she knew what was coming.

"I'm sorry ma'am, but without an appointment you can't see him. You can come back after making one, in fact I can schedule one for you now."

Monica sighed impatiently. It wasn't the woman's fault that she wasn't giving her what she wanted. She's just doing her job.

"I can't wait, it's important. Tell him that Mrs Ecker needs to see him."

The other woman's eyes widened in shock. She didn't know that her boss had a wife.

"M-mrs Ecker?"

Monica nodded, lifting up her left hand to show the wedding ring she still kept on.

"I-I'll see what I can do." The woman slowly said as she picked up her phone. After a few minutes of talking over the phone with James, she hung up.

"He's coming."

Monica gave the woman a smile and waited for James to come out. She hoped that they could go into his office and have a private chat.

Knowing office politics, if this woman didn't know that she was James's wife then surely it was going to be a gossip filled day and before the day ends, everyone in the office will know that their boss was married.

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