Chapter 4

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The wind brushed across the land in long arcs, tickling across the tree tips and rippling through the clothing of people in the Kouka Kingdom. The sun bore down upon the land, its rays reflecting off the ocean water, turning the water into a beautiful blue.

Azumi observed this all from afar, upon the mountain tops that surrounded Port Awa. She stood by the very edge of the steep cliffs, watching the people of this town scuttle back and forth. There was more activity in town today, for the guards were desperately searching for the very woman who stood watching them up above. They looked like mice, peeking through every nook and cranny to find her, and this amused Azumi deeply. If they weren't so thick-headed, they might have taken a single glance upwards and have found a figure standing wide out in the open. And yet, they expected her to be in the very places they were scavenging, under barrels and behind banners. Azumi could only roll her eyes at these failures of guards and quietly question how they had become so senseless and nitwitted.

This all amused Azumi greatly, however, there was something that amused her much more. She thought it impossible from the stories afar, however; it was true. This village, who was ruled by an unjust and sickening lord, admired someone against the law.

They admired pirates. Pirates that lit official boats ablaze, pirates that captured guards and left then unharmed on rickety boats to be found in the morning, pirates that had somehow avoided capture for many years, pirates that were the last line of defence from the bastard they call a lord. In the village, far from the over-seeing eye of the capital, was admiring the outlaws over their so-called protectors.

There was suddenly a loud bang behind her and an explosion of wind that was definitely unnatural, sending her hair fluttering over her shoulder and out in front of her from the brute force of the gust. Her eyes widened as she turned around to find the green-haired man she had noticed only yesterday in the crowd, standing right before her. The wind whipped around him in an unnatural but beautiful manner, sending his long navy cloaks and smooth green hair fluttering in a graceful manner. The man looked up and a smug grin spread across his lips at the sight of the gob-smacked woman. He had been searching all night and all day for this one woman, who had caught everyone's attention in the village.

"I finally found you" He grinned, sending a wink over to the astonished woman. Azumi blinked owlishly at him, before coughing into her fist to recover and sending him a slightly shaky smile.

"Found me? Were you searching for me?" Azumi responded, raising an eyebrow at the male. She watched as he rose from his crouched position, his hand dusting off his cloak before he once again turned to her with a charming smile, a smile that had women falling at his feet everywhere he went.

"My dear~ Anyone would go chasing your heels at your beauty~" He flirted, the air around him glowing as he brushed his fringe back with delicate fingers and pulled a pose. Azumi's smile instantly dropped, and she stared at him with a deadpan expression, not amused nor charmed by the persona he was showing. It seemed he was one of THOSE people...

"Thank you, very flattering. However, there must be another reason? Surely you're not that desperate?" Azumi asked, quickly moving the topic along to make sure that this not conversation did not end awkwardly. The Green-haired man spluttered in surprise, his eyes growing wide as his act faltered as he turned to stare at her in surprise. Azumi sent him a levelled stare in response, wordlessly warning him to pick up his act or this conversation would end quickly. The man's grin instantly grew, a sparkle entering his eyes as his interest in the lone traveller grew stronger.

"In fact, there is another reason. My captain wants to recruit you" The man sent a bright smile, placing his hands on his hips proudly. Azumi's eyebrows slowly raised, her confusion showing on her face as she took a moment to analyse his words. Her gaze then returned to meet his jewel-like orbs as her eyes narrowed, deciding on the spot that she could humour him and his crew.

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