Chapter 20

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"Lili! Ayura and Tetora too!" Yona gasped, making everyone glance over at the new arrival of familiar people. Azumi smiled at the sight of her old friends, the two bodyguards flanking the ever prideful Lili's side. They all had polite smiles plastered on their faces, while Lili's face was screwed up in a tsundere scowl as she looked at her newest best friend. Azumi could only guess what annoyed her this time, so she turned back to what she was doing previously while low-key hiding.

"It's been a while everyone. We're very grateful to you for helping Lady Lili" Tetora greeted before the two bodyguards dropped onto their knees and pressed their forehead to the floor, bowing deeply to the travelling group before them. The performers all seemed surprised, but Azumi did not bat an eyelash. She was used to their dramatic antics, especially when it involved their beloved master.

"I'm glad we got to see you" Yona smiled brightly, making the trio smile back.

"Good timing, we were about to go and find Lili" Jae-ha agreed, holding a finger to his chin in thought.

"Eh?" Lili asked, blinking in surprise, while Ayura and Tetora merely smiled. Luckily for Azumi, they had not noticed her presence yet, so indiscreetly, Azumi slowly shifted behind Jae-ha. The ever-observant green snake picked up on this quickly, raising an eyebrow at the unpredictable woman, before dismissing his curious thoughts and tuning back into the conversation.

"Parting like we did was so dreary. Let's have dinner together tonight" Yona smiled brightly, that child-like and warm aura surrounding her once again. Lili did not look impressed in the slightest, her notorious deadpan expression stretched across her face while observing the glowing red-head.

"Yona... You where the one who said 'take care'!" Lili began slowly, before screeching out in anger and slamming her heel into the ground. Yona's aura disappeared, replaced by a cute confused expression.

"Eh?" Yona asked, unable to comprehend her sudden change of mood.

"Don't say it was dreary so casually! Your 'what's the problem' face is making me mad!" Lili yelled, clenching her fists and holding them by her thighs. She growled while glaring at the innocent red-haired girl, who once again could only stare back blankly.

"Eh?" Yona asked again, making Lili pout and look away while crossing her eyes.

"Where's Azumi, I needed to talk to her" Lili decided to finally speak up, making the two bodyguards tense. Azumi flinched, her eyes widening as the whole group slowly turned towards her, making the two bodyguard's eyes follow. A wicked grin spread across Tetora's face, while Azumi uselessly tugged at Jae-ha's sleeve.

"Hey, Jae-ha. Save me, please?" Azumi whispered out, staring in horror at the bodyguards who where slowly lifting themselves off the floor, their gaze burning onto Azumi like a hawk.

"What do you call it? Ah, that's right. Revenge. The brunette is all yours. I must warn you, she's a player and a bit of a sadist" Jae-ha quoted, a hauntingly innocent expression on his face. It was silent for a long second, Azumi staring at the greenette in horror, before a loud cheer broke the silence.

"Azumi! I want an arm wrestle!" Tetora screeched, charging forward with her arms stretched out wide. An out-of-character squeak escaped Azumi's lips as she whirled around and ran for her life, Tetora hot in pursuit. The two disappeared in a cloud of dust, with Lili and Ayura watching in amusement.

"Please excuse my partner, those two have always been close" Ayura spoke up, bowing to the dumbfounded group. Lili smiled fondly, nodding in agreement while reminiscing on the many times those two had sparked up an argument and always resolved it by some sort of test of strength. Azumi would always win, despite Tetora's incredible strength, and that was why Tetora loved Azumi so much. Every time they saw each other, Tetora always made sure that they had an arm wrestle so that they could compare strength.

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