Chapter 38

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Yoon was not pleased.

When someone has a hangover, the worst thing you can do is scream at them and hit them over the head. Yoon did exactly this. Azumi sat with a pout on her lips with her arms cradled around her, protecting herself from the raging Yoon who was about to blow a fuse at the numbskull sat before him. He had already been there for an hour, his voice somehow keeping up with his screaming of responsibility and comradery. Steam was pooling out of his ears and his face had turned a startling crimson colour as he stomped back and forth, screaming at a sulking Azumi who sat with her head in her a lap, a mixture of bowing and cowering away from Yoon.

The four dragons watched from afar, all of them grimacing as they knew how cold Yoon could be, with Hak standing there with a wicked grin on his lips and a princess who merely smiled as if Azumi's ear wasn't being talked off. Azumi had tried to explain many times that it was Mundok's fault, but the only one who believed her was Hak and he was still pissed off with her so he didn't help her. Azumi knew that only last night she had said that she would resign herself to her fate, but she was deeply regretting it as her world spun and her head throbbed.

Yoon, finally noticing that she was clutching her head in pain instead of fear, let out a defeated sigh as he kneeled beside her and held out his canteen of water. Azumi glanced up with a grimace, the bright sunlight not helping her case, before smiling sheepishly up at the male who was still annoyed but had relented in his lecturing for the moment. Azumi gingerly took the canteen from his hands and slowly sipped on the water, the cold liquid cooling down her throat and helping her head recover her balance. Yoon sat beside her, his hand rubbing circles into her back as he watched her eyes clear and slowly become more aware of her surroundings.

"You've got quite the lungs in you, boy" A familiar voice called, making Azumi's relaxed expression drop in an instant. Azumi turned and sent a fiery glare at Mundok who merely chuckled, refusing to show the tense in his shoulders under such an acidic glare.

"I said I needed a drink, not an entire bottle" Azumi complained, the old man staring down at her with a deadpan expression. So she had forgotten the night before, what a shame, he had quite enjoyed running away from her down the hallways while she stumbled face-first into the walls. It was the first experience he had where he wasn't drunk with her, and he had enjoyed the experience so much that he was going to force her into it again tonight.

"You're the one that ordered me to serve you more. I was only going to give you so much" Mundok retorted, Azumi's immediate response being to stare up at him blankly in disbelief. Mundok shrugged innocently, before turning to his grandson and the others huddled beneath the shadows of a nearby tree.

"Hak, there's something I need to talk you about now that Azumi's out of commission" Mundok spoke, making Azumi growl and leap towards him. However, because her body was weakened by the heavy infection in her muscles, Yoon easily held her back, which merely proved Mundok's point.

"A mission? I thought that was reserved for Azumi" Hak mused, raising an eyebrow at his grandpa. Mundok merely gestured to Azumi who had been hit on the back of the head again and was on ground sulking as Yoon got riled up once again. Everyone stared blankly at the warrior reduced to that of a sobbing mess before Hak nodded and walked after his grandpa obediently.

"Alright, while we're in civilisation, I want everyone to go finish their laundry while I go and buy some ingredients. Yona and Shin-ha can-" Yoon began, Azumi quickly zoning him out while he ordered everyone around. She knew from experience that she wouldn't be doing anything, so she merely dragged herself to her feet and headed towards the village, a blank look on her face. Azumi walked through the familiar streets, observing the villagers live out their lives without a worry in the world. All of them had smiles on their faces, children grinning brightly as they skipped through the streets with wooden short swords in hand, unaware of what a proper weapon can do to someone. Azumi longed for that innocence, an innocence she lost way too early in her life.

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