Chapter 15

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When Azumi finally came to, she instantly knew she was in an infirmary.

There was the familiar smell of lemon-scented soap and cleaning products, and there was a gentle breeze coming from her right, along with the sun settling across her skin. She sat there, in peace, soaking up the sun for as long as she could. And then, the rest of the senses came to, and she could hear a mumbled conversation off to her right. Her eyes drifted open, and she was met with a white roof encrusted with golden chandeliers and other fancy decorations that Azumi found unnecessary. She observed these decorations before a familiar face leaned out over her bed and into her line of vision, Azumi's peaceful expression instantly dropping at the sight of the familiar face.

"Geun-tae" Azumi greeted, a quiet chuckle erupting from behind the earth tribe's general. Geun-tae leaned up, sending Azumi a sneaky glare, and Azumi found the general of the fire tribe standing there chuckling into his hand. Which was VERY out of character for the old grumpy man.

"You created such a fuss to look after this woman, and yet she greets you so disrespectfully" Kan Soo-jin chuckled in amusement, turning to gaze at Azumi with a curious look in his eye. Azumi turned to Geun-tae and raised an eyebrow at this new information. Geun-tae noticed her stare and became defensive while puffing out his cheeks.

"If I didn't look after you, Yun-ho would have my head" Geun-tae explained, making Azumi roll her eyes and smile up at the male. Shifting to sit up in the bed, Azumi stretched her arms over her head and let her bones crack before turning to the general of the fire tribe and bowing her head, making the two generals look at her curiously.

"Kan Soo-jin, thank you for your hospitality" Azumi spoke respectfully, making Geun-tae curse her manners underneath his breath. Geun-tae was a little jealous, for she never showed manners to him, and Geun-tae actually admired Azumi, especially after her show in Chi-Shinn. The guards who were training had suddenly become perfect soldiers, modelled after the words Azumi shared.

"It was no problem, the fire tribe is always hospitable towards the king and his companions" Soo-jin spoke, and suddenly his motives were clear. If he was on Azumi's good side, then he was one step closer to the throne. While her head was still bowed, Azumi rolled her eyes and then leaned up, her smile much more forced than before.

"Please, I am no one of importance. I am merely a childhood friend of the king, and he feels the need to treat me more than a traveller because of it" Azumi smiled, a slight tick mark appearing on her head. Conniving fools like him who thought only of himself and not his people deserved to be killed, and if Azumi was not in his debt, she would have punched him without a second thought.

"So, what do you plan to do now?" Soo-jin asked, his expression going back to stone while clasping his hands between his sleeves before him.

"I must be heading off immediately. I have places to be and work that must be done" Azumi answered, pulling off the blanket and swinging her legs over the side of the bed.

"Now hang on a second, you're injured" Geun-tae scolded, taking up her wrist and holding up her hand. Azumi gazed upon the cuts and bruising across her knuckles, after the dumb choice of punching a tree, but Azumi merely shrugged it off.

"Tis but a scratch" Azumi answered, dismissing the wounds without a second thought.

"A scratch!?" Geun-tae growled, glaring at Azumi in disbelief. Azumi sent him a cheeky grin in response, before jumping off the bed and landing lightly on her feet.

"Now please excuse me while I get changed" Azumi smiled, ushering out the males who obediently strode out of the room. Once they were out of the room, Azumi turned to the closest wall and slammed her head into it. She muttered incoherent curses under her breath, cursing out herself for being so stupid. Azumi should have stayed in the forest, whether or not it made her friends suspicious. Now they were probably listening to the villagers' rant and rave about how she is a mistake and an utter disease, and Azumi isn't there to explain herself to Yona and Hak. A deep sigh then escaped Azumi's lips, and she shut her eyes, leaning her slightly stinging forehead against the wall. She enjoyed the coolth of the concrete texture, and stayed there for a couple of moments, rearranging her thoughts and sorting out her brain.

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