Chapter 18

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"I thought it was around here, but... There's not a shop or person to be seen. Oh, I wonder if she'll come. She's injured and she's been targeted by the addicts. It may be impossible for her," Lili said nervously, her gaze flicking back and forth nervously. The large group stood at a cross-section in the middle of the village, standing in a group while they waited for the arrival of Lili's friends.

"I think the green man from yesterday will come at least" The ever so optimistic Soo-won smiled, placing a hand on Lili's shoulder to calm her nerves.

"That girl isn't very strong and always overexerts herself, I'm so worried!" Lili said nervously, ignoring his optimism while continuing to study the surrounding area. Azumi wanted so desperately to argue that Yona was strong, but she kept quiet and also studied the area around them. The streets were empty once again, with all the windows shut and no sign of life anywhere.

"She was around the same age as you, right?" Soo-won asked, his gaze staying on Lili and watching as she fretted over her new friend.

"Yes, she has red hair. Her name is Yona" Lili smiled brightly, making Soo-won freeze on the spot. His eyes widened, while Auzmi sighed and turned away from him when his gaze shot over to her.

"Ah! They're here!" Lili cried in delight, chasing past Azumi and over towards the small group that had just arrived.

"Lili, what are you doing here?" Yona gasped, her eyes lighting up with delight as Lili ran over, grasping her hands. Azumi found her self mute to the conversation as she stayed with Soo-won and his guards, zoning out the conversation between the two females.

"Eh? Body... Guards...?" Yona asked, glancing over to Soo-won's group. Both of their eyes went wide as they stared at each other, both shellshocked at their predicament. It seemed that despite having met each other after the incident, neither of them were prepared to see each other again.

"Lili... Who are these people?" Yona asked, her voice hoarse as she tried to comprehend what was happening.

"These are my bodyguards, Won, Joo-doh, Mu-ah and Gyoku" Lili introduced as the group walked toward's her, Azumi staying in the back.

"Won, these are my fri- acquaintances. Yona and the happy performance group. Won came here to do business. He saved me when some thugs assaulted me," Lili introduced, too nervous to call them friends as per usual, and also oblivious to the tension in the air between Soo-won and Yona who had yet to break gazes.

"Hey, you're... We met last night, " Jae-ha smirked, clicking his fingers in recognition. Yona broke out of her shock, her eyes hardening while Soo-won also broke out of his trance and turned to the greenette.

"Someone you know?" Yoon asked, turning towards the considerably taller male at his side.

"Last night we met at the inn. I didn't know they were your bodyguards, Lili," Jae-ha smiled, glancing at Yoon before turning to the black-haired noble.

"They are a flashy bunch, aren't they?" Lili agreed, grinning in amusement. However, she faltered at the sight of Soo-won's expression, turning to frown at him.

"Won...?" Lili asked, grasping onto his sleeve and tugging at it lightly. Soo-won flinched, his gaze turning back to her before smiling shakily.

"Huh? Ah, your right... Yes," Soo-won agreed, his eyes still a little wide from shock.

"Zeno, huh? Where's Shin-ha and the thunder beast?" Yoon asked as Zeno ran over from an alleyway further down, the boy skipping with a bright grin on his face.

"It's probably a big problem" Zeno hummed, grinning despite the dangerous message he carried.

"What do you mean?" Kija asked, frowning nervously at his dragon brethren.

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