Chapter 31

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For the next week, Mizari was as diligent as a servant. He would visit every couple of hours and provide food, water and medicinal herbs for the group piled in the cells of Xing. He even provided blankets when he noticed Shin-ha shiver, much to the surprise and suspicion of the group. Azumi nerves were continually fraying, her thoughts becoming in more of a disarray as the days passed. She had heard no word from Soo-won, and with Yona actively seeking for him now, Azumi could only hope that her letter had arrived in time and could stop any conflict from happening.

"I've brought plenty of meat today! And some medicinal herbs as well" Mizari suddenly cheered, breaking Azumi from her thoughts and causing the group all to glance up at him. Yet again he had pulled through with the things they needed, hence the steady recovering of two of the dragons of legend.

"T-thanks," Yoon sputtered out, taking the food through the bars with a confused frown on his face. He set the food down on the floor, but before he could begin handing it out, Mizari interrupted him.

"Well? Are you all feeling better? Have I been useful?" Mizari asked, resembling an obedient puppy with his eager smile and his body jumping slightly in excitement.

"Y-Yeah, but why are you going this far for us?" Yoon asked, settling back on his legs to study the foreigner who turned towards the two dragons in the back of the cell, both of them leant against the wall side-by-side. Jae-ha's eyebrow rose while Kija frowned as the boy's attention turned to them, causing everyone to glance over at those two before turning their attention back to Mizari.

"Green person and white person, are you two interested in becoming part of the five stars?" Mizari asked, leaning closer to the bars and smiling widely. The entire group flinched, all staring at him with a dumbfounded expression as none of them were expecting such a question.

"W-wha...?" Kija sputtered out, gaping at the younger boy whose smile did not fade in the slightest.

"What are you-" Jae-ha began, frowning in suspicion, only to be cut off as Mizari grabbed onto the bars and leaned even in closer in his eagerness.

"There are two vacancies in the five stars right now. The green person and the white person have interesting powers. Rather than just filling out the five stars with boring and normal people, I think the organisation would be a lot more fun with you two. If you become part of the five stars, you will also avoid execution and torture" Mizari explained with a wide grin on his face, his expression slowly drawing upwards to resemble a snake once again. Azumi's eyes narrowed as she mulled over his words, staring up at the boy who was pointedly ignoring her gaze. So she really displeased Kouren, if she wasn't inviting her into the five stars, that meant that Kouren was truly angry. Ever since childhood, Kouren had obsessed and fantasised over the idea that Azumi would become loyal to Xing and work under her.

"Are you insane?" Kija scowled, frowning at the boy in anger. They had all stated firmly that they were loyal to Yona, and yet here he was, proposing that they join the enemy of the kingdom they are sworn to protect and the princess they have devoted their lives to.

"Not at all. I'm sure lady Kouren would be-" Mizari began, only to flinch as the door slid open behind him and a familiar powerful presence entered the room. As soon as the first princess of Xing entered, tension filled the air as the princess wouldn't usually dare to enter such a place, especially during the middle of the day. Plus, Azumi was still pissed off at the princess.

"Mizari. Don't just say whatever you please" Kouren scolded softly, stopping behind the boy who had tensed at the very first syllable she said. The boy stood straight, turning around with wide eyes while gasping out her name in surprise. Kouren studied her servant for a second, before turning to the very dragons he had been talking to only seconds ago. Her eyes narrowed as she studied the sight of Kouka's strongest warriors, both injured and reduced to lumps, slumped against the back wall of a cell.

The Second Bodyguard || Re-written (Any x oc)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu