Chapter 14

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 The group had settled down in the outskirts of the village, the boys all surrounded by overworked women who where more than enthusiastic about the arrival of attractive men. Azumi watched from afar with amusement, by Yona's side. Yona was frowning ever so slightly, observing the way the woman swarmed them. Yoon had run off somewhere in the village and had not returned for a while. This, however, didn't concern Azumi for she knew that Yoon was in no danger.

Instead, she was filled with nostalgia as she gazed across the village she was raised in from the very beginning of her childhood until fate took matters into their hands and changed her life for the better. However, this nostalgic feeling was not a healthy one. Everywhere she glanced, traumatic memories that she had forced into the very depths of her mind where resurfacing, and Azumi could feel her skin crawl and hands tremble. She wore her hood, which none of her friends thankfully questioned, and that was the only thing keeping herself away from the anger of the currently excited villagers. Yona, however, was more perceptive than she let on, and turned to Azumi with a frown. She finally decided to ask why she was wearing her hood, maybe this would distract her from the clench of her chest while watching the women buzz around the males.

"Azumi, are you alright? Why are you wearing a hood?" Yona asked, innocent curiosity on her face. Azumi turned down to this face, this innocence that was protected by her father, and found herself unable to express the mess that was her head.

"It is nothing, Yona. My face is recognizable all across the kingdom, so it is best if I keep myself hidden," Azumi smiled warmly, patting her head in an attempt to comfort and dampen her curiosity.

"But you walked around Awa without a hood?" Yona asked, frowning up at Azumi. This surprised Azumi, for Yona usually blindly agreed with her. Azumi had to remind herself this was not the same girl in the castle who blindly trusted everyone around her because of her status. This was a woman who had everything crumble beneath her, and the love of her life strip everything she had ever known away from her.

"I first entered Awa with my hood up, but a guard caught me by surprise and pulled off my hood. I attracted attention, so everyone knew my face, anyway. There was no point hiding" Azumi explained, holding up a finger as if she was a lecturer teaching Yona a lesson. Yona fluttered her eyelashes, before nodding, finally satisfied with Azumi's explanation. However, as Azumi spoke with Yona, more villagers arrived and put their attention on the group. Many of the elderly men of the village were staring at Azumi, something about her reeking a familiarity that none of them liked. Azumi knew that she had to leave, and now so that Yoon had any chance of gaining the Iza seeds.

"Yona, I'm going to go explore the terrain, okay? Go scout for soldiers of the Kai empire," Azumi spoke, placing a hand on Yona's shoulder. Yona blinked owlishly before nodding, turning to glance out across the travelling group who was surrounded.

"Take someone with you in case you get attacked" Yona recommended, making Azumi scoff teasingly at the oblivious female.

"I can look after myself Yona, but I'll take somebody so Yoon doesn't freak out" Azumi chuckled, walking towards the clump of bodies all trying to get the attention of either flustered or amused males. Azumi pushed through the crowd, getting many insults thrown at her until she was before all the males. All of them turned towards her, while Kija rushed forward and grabbed onto her hands, clasping onto them desperately while crying. He wailed luodly, begging her to help him out of the situation that brought back bad memories.

"I'm afraid I can only save one of you, today. I'm going out on a scout mission, and I'm not trusted enough to go alone. It seems that Hak and Jae-ha are enjoying themselves, so it will have to be either of you three" Azumi chuckled, amused by the crocodile tears streaming down Kija's cheeks while sending Hak and Jae-ha a wink, before turning towards Kija, Shin-ha and Zeno.

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