Chapter 43

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When Jae-ha had awoken, Azumi was the first out of the room and the first to jump on him. Despite his injuries, Jae-ha was sat up and had a bright grin on his lips as the two clung onto each other as tightly as they could, Azumi's face shoved into his chest and Jae-ha's face in her neck. The gang had thought they were intruding, but after inviting them in, Azumi and Jae-ha were left to awkwardly explain what had happened.

It had been silently agreed on that they were 'together', whatever that meant, but they hadn't talked to each other since the beach, so Azumi was left in awkward silence as she sat on his lap (his insistence) and mulled over what would happen now. Jae-ha received all the scoldings with a cheeky grin, although all of them were glad that the two were okay and that Jae-ha would be healing soon with no major repercussions. Azumi had almost cried on the spot when she heard this, much to the shock of the group, but they just presumed that she was on an emotional high at the moment and would break out crying eventually, anyway.

After Yoon personally checked that Jae-ha wounds were all treated well and that he was feeling as well as he could be, they all left to give the two a moment. As soon as they were gone, Jae-ha arms had wrapped around Azumi's waist and tugged her closer to his chest. Azumi shifted so that she sat between his legs and leaned against his chest with a subdued expression, unwilling to show how embarrassed she was because of this position. Jae-ha just chuckled to himself, while clutching her to his chest and remaining silent as well.

"What happened to Eiji?" Jae-ha eventually asked, breaking the comfortable silence of the room. Azumi shifted slightly to gaze up at him, his cheeks flushing a slight pink at how close she was to his face, before shuffling back to rest her cheek on his sternum.

"He was apprehended the moment you jumped after me. He's currently in a cell waiting for trial, which will require Soo-won's presence. It's no small feat to attempt to assassinate an ambassador of a possible enemy nation. Now that Daigo has realised that he was being controlled, I truly hope that he decides to join Kouka," Azumi mumbled, unintentionally telling him some stress that had been weighing down on her shoulders. Just being in his presence made her relax considerably, and she ended up spilling out her concerns without even thinking it through, and she thought through everything.

"This island is too focused on entertainment to build a proper army, it would be foolish to go to war with Kouka" Jae-ha reassured quietly, his hand softly drifting up and down the side of her waist. Azumi watched the moments of his hands closely, knowing that he would be even more perverted now that they were dating. However, she also knew that he had made a promise very early on that he would never force her to do anything she didn't want to do, so she wasn't too worried.

"Daigo also said that he wanted to work towards abolishing slavery for good on this island, so building a relationship with Kouka would be a major step towards that goal. Having such a powerful nation to back him up would be really useful, especially now that rumours are going around that he's easy to manipulate," Azumi quietly agreed, her gaze flickering over to the door. Jae-ha hummed in agreement, and the two settled back into a comfortable silence as he slowly massaged her waist. The feeling of his fingers rubbing circles into her skin, even through her clothing, sent shivers down her spine.

"Jae-ha... I'm sorry..." Azumi eventually mumbled, leaning off of his chest and shifting slightly to gaze straight into his eyes. Jae-ha's soft smile dropped slightly as he raised an eyebrow, letting his hands slide off her waist as she moved to turn towards him.

"What for?" He asked, blinking owlishly at Azumi in confusion. Azumi merely let out a sigh in response before grabbing one of his hands and studying it, looking at every groove and blister on his battle-worn hands. Seeing his hands like this, despite how much he tries to keep his body 'heavenly' and 'luscious' as he had once bragged, reminded her that he was just like her.

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