Chapter 26

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"Lili!" Yona cheered, charging off from the front of the group towards the black-haired female who had thrown open the door only moments before. The general's daughter brightened at the sight of her new best friend, charging forward to meet the red-head halfway.

"Yona!" Lili called, wrapping her in a tight hug that Yona happily reciprocated, tearing up at the sight of Lili fully recovered. Azumi smiled softly at the sight, exchanging a glance with Yoon to receive permission before walking over towards the two who quietly exchanged words.

"It seems that I've been replaced, Lady Lili. Whatever shall I do?" Azumi teased, a wide smirk curling across her lips as the black-haired female turned towards her, once again brightening at the sight of her.

"Azzzzuuuummmmmiiii!" Lili yelled, glomping the older female who caught her without batting an eyelash. Azumi held Lili in place, comforted by the smell of jasmine that drenched her clothing. She no longer smelt of dirt, blood and nadai, which comforted Azumi deeply.

"Yona's nicer to me, that's all," Lili said honestly once the two had separated, turning slightly to allow Yona into the conversation. Azumi flinched, covering her face with her hands and turning away with a large pout on her lips.

"Lady Lili is very harsh with her words, she should be kinder on weak little Azumi" Azumi sulked, causing Lili to grit her teeth and shake a clenched fist towards Azumi who refused to appear from behind her hands.

"Stop talking in third person and trying to be cute! There's no way you're weak! Though, you are small..." Lili yelled, before trailing off while observing Azumi's height. A tick mark appeared on Azumi's forehead before she dropped her hands and sent a glare towards her long-time friend.

"Like you can talk! Whenever that adult-sized baby is around, you turn all pink and domesticated. Have some guts, woman!" Azumi snapped back, their two foreheads connecting and imaginary flames roaring around them. Yona sweat dropped, chuckling awkwardly, before taking both of their hands and dragging them off each other.

"Why don't we settle down and chat, yeah?" Yona asked quietly, making Lili sigh and flatten out her robes, taking a deep breath to calm herself. Azumi crossed her arms, observing Lili's mannerisms before turning to Yona and sending her a smile. Lili then led them forward into a garden, with a small pond filled with koi fish. The two settled down by the water's edge, while Azumi remained standing, observing the fish that slid through the water while listening to their conversation.

"It feels like so long ago, when we were in Sei Kingdom..." Lili mused, placing her hands on her lap and turning to smile at Yona. Yona happily returned the smile, assuming a similar position.

"Hey..." Yona began, only to be cut off by Lili's eagerness to speak. Azumi could see her cheeks flush out of the corner of her eyes, and she sighed in defeat. She would hear about that douchebag Guen-tae again, she could already tell.

"Listen, listen! Today, something really wonderful happened!" Lili cheered, leaning forward eagerly. Yona blinked owlishly, before also leaning forward in curiosity.

"What is it?" Yona asked, fluttering her eyelashes and observing her friend.

"The one I'm super-super-super incredibly in love with came here to check up on me!" Lili blurted out, clenching her dress and jumping slightly in excitement.

"Eh!? The one you love? What kind of person is he?" Yona asked, her eyes widening in surprise at the sudden topic.

"Lord Guen-tae!" Lili grinned, squirming in her placed while cupping her cheeks. She left Yona in a dumbfounded stupor while Azumi rolled her eyes, reflecting on the memories she shared with Guen-tae. The man was boorish. The only thing going for him was his looks, his skill with a sword, and his wife. Otherwise, he was a blood-thirsty man who skipped his work as often as he could and lazed around all day sulking because he couldn't be on the battlefield. He was also very blunt with his words, and many of his actions were purely to see the reactions of others.

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