Chapter 27

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"Hak. We've been following Sei's border for a while now... Could this be the wind tribe's territory by any chance?" Yoon called, turning to the large male who had dropped behind the group while looking after the princess. Azumi hummed at his words, glancing at the scenery around them and trying to pick up on any landmarks that would show their whereabouts.

"We're right on the edge... So maybe," Hak confessed, glancing up to the find the group all looking at him for an answer.

"The wind tribe! This is where you grew up, right Hak? Are there any beautiful girls in your hometown? I'd love to meet them" Jae-ha grinned eagerly, resembling a puppy. Azumi rolled her eyes, sending him a dirty look before turning back to Yoon from her position at the front of the pack with him. The two exchanged a glance and in sync rolled their eyes, used to but still annoyed by Jae-ha's flirtatious mannerisms.

"We're not stopping by Fuga. But... If this is the wind tribe territory, rather than Sei, I think we're more close to..." Hak began before trailing off and turning to Shin-ha. The four dragons, Hak and Azumi all stopped simultaneously, glancing around at the surrounding terrain. Steep embankments and thick trees, a suitable position for a well-planned ambush surrounded them. Azumi took up Yoon's hand, knowing full well that Yona was completely protected, and inched her hand toward's the daggers laid in hiding in her boots.

"...Yes. Someone is watching us, over there," Shin-ha spoke up, staring at a specific spot in the treeline. There was a flicker of movement, someone retreating, and Jae-ha was quick to throw his travelling pack and jump in pursuit. He landed with a small explosion of wind, clothes and hair fluttering around him elegantly while he showed a polite smile towards the frightened soldier.

"Hey. Do you have business with us?" Jae-ha grinned before his smile slipped as more figures appeared around him. Kija was quick to join his brother, his scaled hand growing to an incredible size as he went back-to-back with the green dragon. Shin-ha also unsheathed his blade, staying by Yona's side with a stone-faced thunder beast. Yoon stepped closer to Azumi, frowning slightly at the unearthed ambush while Zeno also idled up to Azumi's side with his usual smile dropped to a more curious expression.

"Oh my, it looks like we have more spectators than we thought" Jae-ha mused, gazing over Kija's shoulder to gaze at the ever-increasing numbers of shadowed figures in the tree line. Kija swiped his humongous hand threateningly, before holding it out to his side with a frown.

"Who are you!?" Kija called, his gaze flickering as a man stepped from the shadows and showed his face. His expression was sinister, shadows by the tree's and his bangs, and half of his face covered in a black mask.

"We come from the kingdom of Xing. Are you guys the monsters of Kouka?" The man asked, his eyes narrowing and the very obvious dragon appendage Kija showcased.

"First you appear without warning, then you ask us if we are monsters? That's pretty rude if you ask me. After all, look how beautiful and good-looking we are" Jae-ha boasted, a sassy expression on his face while placing a hand on his hip and cocking it. Azumi deadpanned, unimpressed by his 'cool guy' act.

"Are the beautiful monsters of Kouka?" The man rephrased, making Jae-ha practically shine with delight and pride. He quickly turned to the soldier and pulled a pose with a satisfied glint in his eyes.

"You asking for me?" Jae-ha asked, making Hak deadpan and Azumi grimace.

"You're a pushover, droopy eyes" Hak insulted, Azumi nodding enthusiastically in agreement. Their reactions were dutifully ignored, Jae-ha turning serious again not even a second later.

"Even if we were these beautiful monsters you speak of..." Jae-ha began, "What business do you have with us?" Kija finished, rearing up his hand to prepare for a fight. A new man arrived, his smile was hidden behind a mask while stepping forward without a word. The other soldiers moved at his sudden presence, moving into the light to reveal a small squadron of Xing soldiers. Azumi grinned at the sight of the familiar face, the usually observant servant of Princess Tao oblivious to her presence.

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