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Another year has passed and Cedric was getting ready to propose to his love. He was feeling butterflies in his stomach as he anxiously figetted with the small box containing the ring his mother wore on her engagement.

"I see, your highness is trying to find his words." Clara smiled as she walked into the throne room while taking off her hat.

"Your voyage has been succesful, I see." Cedric smiled at his advisor.

"Years it has been my dear king... How are you and Lady Cassandra?" Clara bowed.

"We have been peachy. We appreciate that your gifts." Cedric chuckled.

"You're l already, my, my... How long has it been?" Cedric opened her arms.

The king stood up to hug his loyal advisor and guardian. "I missed you Lady Clara."

"Of course you did. Now, my voyage is not complete without me giving you and the little princess some gifts that I know the both of you enjoy." Clara said with enthusiasm.

"It seems you have not heard..." Cedric frowned.

"Heard what?" She asked while trying to keep her smile.

"My sister was executed in Madara... It has been nine years..." Cedric smiled as he zoned out.

"I've been long gone..." Clara mumbled.

"Yes you have... I regret to tell that I did not even have the chance to give her a proper burial." Cedric sighed.

"I guess... She would be happy to see you and Cassandra." She smiled.

"I think she would..." Cedric smiled.

"Who would be happy to see you and me?" Cassandra asked as her shoes' clicks echoed throughout the hall.

"Cass, dear! You remember Lady Clara, don't you?" Cedric smiled widely at his lover.

"I do, honestly, who wouldn't know her? You love talking about her." Cassandra smiled fakely. She never enjoyed his blabber about other people.

"Lady Cassandra, wonderful to meet your acquaintance once again." Clara curtseyed. "Well, I must be off, I need to attend my duties to my kingdom."

Clara left and it left the two lovers in the throne room. Cedric was blushing and it made Cassandra genuinely nervous.

"What's wrong?" Cassandra asked the king.

Cedric dramatically went down on one knee as he acted like having a heart attack. He fidgeted with his pocket then lifted out a small box.

"What is this?" Cassandra asked.

"It's been more than two decades that I've known you. You are one amazing person and I would be the happiest man on earth if you would be my queen." Cedric proposed.

"But I only am but a mere seamstress' apprentice. I am not eligible to be the wife of such a man." Cassandra said as she held Cedric's hands that closed the box.

"But you deserve to be the queen that this kingdom needs. I have been ruling by myself and you helped me through the dark times... Will you please think about it?" Cedric pleaded.

"Now I see that you truly love me. I shall accept thy proposal and be your queen." Cassandra smiled.

"And soon, I shall have the whole kingdom in the palm of my hands." Cassandra thought.

"I wish my sister was here to see this..." Cedric smiled.

"She knows, and she's happy..." Cassandra smiled.

Cost of the Crown (UNREVISED VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now