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"What the fuck?" Ego said. "Why? Why Didn't you just say you were in trouble huh?"
"Because I know for a fact that you wouldn't give a fuck Ego." I said.
"Your mother been worried sick and I have to hear from a friend at the airport that's you're fucking alive bruh."
"I don't owe you shit, you got me in the shit man, YOU. I did what I had to. Red. She saved my fucking life bruh, I told you something wasn't right and you still insist that I do the drop. I could have been dead. DEAD! LAID THE FUCK OUT. But all you give a fuck about is the money."
"That's not true bruh." He said.
"Then what the truth? You care? You love me? You're doing this for me? Man fuck all that bruh, you've been beating me down, you've been degrading me, never once had my fucking back.so fuck all that shit"
I thought I saw emotions in his eyes for a second.

"I never had your back? Man who got them motherfucker murked so you an come back? I knew were you was. I knew you was safe, I had to play my cards right. I knew I ain't the best dad since what went down 10 years ago but I'll fucking try ight. I don't fucking hate you, I got demons I gotta deal within myself. So just call your mom bruh. For Fuck sake. Tell her I'm sorry and to call me." He walked away.  "Oh yeah, take yo ass back to college and finish that shit."
I knew he had something to do with what went down with how those niggas died.
What changed? All it took was for me to disappear? Or maybe mom got to him.

I stepped inside and both Whit and Red stepped to me with their eyes asking if I was okay. I knew they both cared and know my relationship with my father isn't that great.
"Was he mad?" Whit asked
"Nah, worried he said." I replied. "I uh need to call my mom right quick."
She nodded and I head upstairs and call her.
"If You didn't find my fucking son, I don't wanna hear shit." She screamed and hung up.
This bitch is crazy. I called again.
"Mom!" I said before she yelled again.
"Baby, you're okay. Are you okay? Who hurt you?"
"I'm good, I'm good, just run into some trouble, but everything is handled now. I'm okay."
"Awe good. You son of bitch, why didn't you tell me you were in trouble? And why didn't you tell me about your girlfriend, she was worried sick, she's very pretty, and your in college? Wow, you don't talk to me anymore, are you gonna-"
"Ma, ma relax. Her name is Whit and yes I was enrolled and you don't have time for me anymore for me to talk to you like we used to."
"I suppose that's fair, I thought I lost you Nicalous, your my only baby. I only could have you. Your a blessing a miracle child."
"Really, you told me it was a accident, and you didn't want anymore children."
"I said that?" She said softly "I'm sorry baby, I must have been drunk. What I meant to say you we're enough to fill my heart."
"Ah its all good." I said.
It's not but ok

"I will see you soon okay. I just need a few days. Don't go anywhere. Love you son. All you motherfuckers are fired, my son found his damm self since y'all couldn't do it." She screamed in the background before she hung up.

We arrived at some island. Red refuses to tell me what's going on. She got off the plane and I followed.
"Where are we?" I asked
"My island. It was a gift from my grandmother." I was surprised she answered.
It was cool, A slight wind and I could smell the salt water in the air. There was a house on top of a hill. There wasn't any roads or cars.
"Normally I'll take my heli to the house but everything has been compromised. I can't trust anyone."
"What does that mean?" I watched her
"We have to hike. It's only 1hour." She started to walk.
"An hour, what the fuck." I should have just stayed my ass where I was.
"What happened red?" I asked "why am I here?"
"I messed up my last drop and owe the Leens 200mil. They want my head."
Yooo. Her head bruh.

"Yea, so where do I play a part?"
"They were finna ambush that drop I set up. I didn't change the location. I didn't know who did but I'm glad I caught on before they got to you." She said

"Well you could've just dropped me home on the way here you know. Sound like I'm just the delivery guy."
"Yea, the feds also worked for the Leens so you have to stay low for a while too." She added "if they didn't have they eye on you before, now they do."
"Shit, it's cool though, just need to get to that house to figure out what next. Maybe little champagne" she winked at me. And okay?

"I have a girl, don't be winking at me." I said.
"Oh please, you are single."
"What, psh no." I stuttered
"She probably broke your heart." She said
"Nah she'll never do me like that." I think.
" you must trust her." Red said.
"You know who I don't trust? You."I said "all up in my business."
"My ex tried to kill me." She turned around and lift her neck to show a long scar across her neck.
"I killed him first though, self defense." She turned around.
Okay. Why is my life the way it is?
"Why are you telling me this?"
"Because this, this is my space, my safe space. I don't give a fuck when I'm in the island, this is my get away from the world. And who are you gonna tell, your girl?" She said
"She wouldn't accept this side of my life."
Red was silent. She began to stealth and motion for me to get down.
"What? What is it I whispered?" I looked around but I didn't see anything or anybody.
"Look." She pointed and I followed.
It was an big ass owl.
"What the fuck red, scared the fuck out of me." I sighed.
"Shhh, I only get to see him every few years. Rarest fucking species. Sensitive to noise." She gazed at it and I gaze at her.
This bitch is weird.

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