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The next drop won't be until another month. Around the same time classes start.
"Yea, man it went really smooth." I said
"Good, good. I didn't get a call from your mother that you fucked it up so, don't ever fuck it up. Tired of her bickering" Ego said over the phone.
I took a deep breath. I looked around my house. How empty it was, how empty I was. No friends, barely family and no Whit. I guess that's how it's always been and how it's always gonna be.
Two days ago.
"Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii." I heard her scream over the phone. It was 4am.
"Whit?" I asked
"Yes, yaaaaass." She said
"Are you drunk." I knew she was.
"Drunk.... ha. Not enough baby." She laugh before I heard stumbling and a sorry.
"Why are you calling me Whit."
"What? I can't..sheck on you no more. Oh it's like...that now."
"Whit your drunk,
"I know what the fuck I am Nic" she starts to cry "I am......sick of everybody's shit, and lying asses......... and, and I'm so sad." I could hear it in her voice when she said it.
"Whit, you need to easy on the drinking, go home get some rest."
"I- I don't know where I am. Where the fuck am I?"
"I told you to call somebody to pick you up." I heard a voice I didn't recognize.
"Cant you see that's what I'm doing. Why the fuck You yelling at me for big ass nigga. Your a fucking security guard, so guard me nigga. Fuck outta-
The call ended.
Even though she was completely out of it. She still thought of me. I wanted her, to see her and to touch her and to love her. Dreams don't work like that. I guess that's why we call them dreams.
"Hey man, I'm throwing a party at my crib. Tell everybody come through, drink, smoke, laugh. Let's get lit. Send like 3 men to my house including the Dj " I hung up.
I got and started to clear photos and expensive shit I left them in my bedroom. I locked all the rooms upstairs except for the guess room.
I poured myself some liquor and put some music on then waited for the men. 30 minutes later they were at the door.
"Wassup y'all. so I need you on music you can set up in the backyard, I need you on food, the grill is already heated up and I need you on kick out duty, if they causing trouble, doing too much the gotta go."
Alright I think that's all we need. I haven't thrown a party in so long since I met Whit.
An hour later people started pulling up and I was already drunk.
"Welcome welcome ladies." I smiled at them.
They giggled and stumbled pass me.
"Damn girl, all that ass." I watched them.
"Bro, it's getting a little too crowded." One of the guys told me.
"It's cool man, just don't let anybody else in this hoe." I said go him.
"This your party?" I heard a female voice.
"Yea, long over due." I said.
She was leaning on the counter. Sweaty and breathing heavy.
"You good?" I asked her
"Yea man. Was just dancing." She smiled. "But you.... you looked fucked up."
"How the fuck did I get up here?" I realized I was laying on top of the counter.
"I don't know man." we both laughed.
"I'm Nic, by the way." I said.
"Odessty." She laughed. "Ohhh, she's pretty." Odessty looked at the Tv.

"That's, that's, Whit." I mumbled
I had to make sure that I wasn't just drunk.
"THATS MY GIRL." I shouted. "Look at her, that's Whit, that's all me, that's my girl bro. Yo, Whit, I can't believe she did that shit. Somebody record this."
I didn't know how I ended up in front of the tv but I've never been more proud of her. She never told me. I knew how much she wanted it and she did it.
"I'm proud of you baby! Damn lady. You did it." I yelled at the tv.
"I miss you." I whispered.
"Ahhhhh, come on man, no crying." Odessty arms was around me.
"That's her, she out here doing her shit. What these other niggas doing? NOTHING." I bucked at a stranger as Odessty tried to walk me up the starts.
"THATS MY BABY YALL, she ain't fucking with me right now but, I'm happy she won."
"Alright c'mon." Odessty drops me on the bed.
"Go to sleep." She turn the lights off and was about to go
"What child?"
I remember when Whit took care of me when I got drunk. I smiled
"Bye Nic." She shuts the door behind her and all I hear is muffled voices of people and music.
The room was still spinning even though I was laying down, I felt like I'm still moving.
My beautiful lady. Fuck it.
I got up, and instantly regretted it. But I need to talk to her. To say hi, to congratulate her.
"Hello," she answered.
"Hellooo, Nic?"
"Yah?." I answered
"Oh. Hey wassup?"
"I uhh, wanted to say congratulations lady." I say
"Uh thank you." She said "thank you for calling. But Nic we can't keep doing this." She hung up and I felt sick my heart was heavy.
I need to say something I tried calling so I left her a voicemail.
Can't keep doing this? Bitch I miss you. But
Didn't she call me earlier? Man whatever.

I opened the safe where I keep my personal cash. My savings and security just in case. Or just to run off one day. I put another 70g in it.
The next drop is in 4 days and I have to make my way there. For some reason they changed the address of the drop location. Just to be on the safe side I sent a couple of guys to go scope it out. I'm just waiting for the all clear before I even make my way there.

"Yo Ego, you know why they change the drop location?" I asked without greeting him.
"Nah nah, the last one might have been compromised, they change it up every year too." He said
"Yea but we don't know them like that for them to be switching drops like that. I sent my boys up there and I haven't heard back, so I ain't going, I don't trust that."
"Man, you better not miss this fucking drop cause you scared. It's worth more than the last so quit playing with me boy." He hung up.
I swear to God if i can beat his ass I will. Any chance I get.
I tried calling the guys again before leaving and still straight to voicemail.
You know what? If I die, I die.
I started the truck and was on my way to the drop point.

"We can't keep doing this..'meh meh meh." I mocked her.
"Like what the fuck?" Damn. So that mean i can never hear her voice again. I'm the one that's been trying to stay away from her. She's the one that be calling me and shit. Texting me and shit. Like damn. Well it ain't no problem to leave her alone that's exactly what I wanted.
The drop was in the next few hours and I went over their instructions again. Which was even crazier than the last. Did she come up with this shit? Must be she seem crazy.
When I got to the drop location, it was completely empty, no guards or anything. The gate was open.
In the instruction They told me to follow a white line until its turns yellow then follow the yellow until it turns green, then get out the truck and wait. I did just that. I was waiting and waiting, I checked my phone but not messages from that lady or my boys.

I was starting to get irritated waiting for damn near 4 hours. Just when I was about to leave I heard cars and trucks coming, doing the same thing I did. The same red car pulled up in front of me. And it was her.
"Get in." She smiled
I open the door and sat in her car. I looked behind me and her guys where unloading my truck.
"What the hell took so long? I don't have time to waste. And where the fuck are we going?" She kept driving.
"So we just not gon speak? Are you kidnapping me bruh? My dumbass got in your car willingly thinking we bout to talk business. Yo wtf is really going on."
"I know you are confused. But I'm not going to harm you, don't be scared." She said calmly.
"Oh baby, i ain't never scared." My voice when higher.
"Then please shut up."
Wassup with these women nowadays. All bossy and shit.
I didn't know when I fell asleep but I woke up and we where at the airport.
"Yo wtf?" I said "why we at the airport?"
"You have two choices, stay here in this car that was stolen by one of the most wanted person in the U.S or come with my on my private jet."
"You got the feds after you?" I asked
She got out the car and I got out too. I wasn't going down so easily.
"Hey hey wait up"
What the fuck is her name?
"Yo Miss Red? Can you please tell me what's going on."
We went through some part of the airport I never knew exited. No TSA or anything. She had two guys with automatics standing by her jet. As soon as I was on one got on and one stayed outside until the plane take off.
I sat quietly. And looked at her. Her legs cross with in her white jeans and red mess top. Her hair in a messy bun. Not much makeup. But she looked bothered.
"Yo Miss Red?" I called and her head snap to me like she forgot I was even with her.
"You good?" I asked.
She laughed
"No." She said and that was it she went back to minding her business.
"Well, uh, can you at least tell me where are we going?"
"Out of the country." She said blankly
"So you are kidnapping me?"
I touch my pocket for my phone but it was gone.
"I threw it away." She said
"What in the hell do you mean you threw my phone away?" I said.
Nothing. Silence.
Well shit. I guess I'm going along for the ride. I needed a break anyway.

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