Part 19

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I meet with the new connection tonight and I can't wait so I can go back home. Get back on my shit. I ain't even wanna go to school no more. I don't even wanna run into Whit. She just moved on like we didn't have something. It ain't a feeling that you can just move on from. Unless she don't feel the same way I feel about her. Then shit... 
I packed my straps on me and a knife in my boots just Incase. I wasn't nervous which was weird. I always feel nervous making new deals but I don't ever let it shows. I just felt empty right now. I wouldn't even care if something went wrong.
An hour later I pulled up to a big wood yard where they make logs and shit. Two guys with guns open the gates and point to the direction I should go in but instructions they gave me told me to go in the direction opposite so that's what I did. They be doing that to see if you really the guy. 10 mins later I arrived at a warehouse looking place. I pulled in parked the car and waited for someone to give me a go ahead.
Two big bald guys walk out the double doors in front of me. Behind them was a someone I couldn't make out yet.
That's when I got out the truck and move to the side.
They walked right by me and I saw who the person was. She was mad sexy. I never thought it would be a woman behind all this. She looked at me with a straight face. Then looked ahead like I wasn't standing here. Her guys open the back of the truck while she stand at a distance not even looking my way. She was looking spiffy in a red suit and all remind me of a model. Like Naomi Campbell.
One of her men nodded to her and she didn't look surprised or give off any type of energy. Her and her men walked towards me. Then her other men started unloading the truck.
A man showed up out of nowhere and open two brief case to reveal cash. I nod and they put the cash in back of the truck.
"We are now partners." She said with no expression.
"I expect my delivery every 2 months at the same time. If I make any changes I will let you know." She gave me a look up and down and walked away with her men.
"Alright." I said.
"Excuse me?" She stopped in her tracks.
"What?" I said
She creased her brows like she was confused then turn around and walked away. We don't use names in this type of business. Shit people barely talk. If I asked for her name she'll become hella suspicious. I got in the truck and drove. I couldn't go the way I came in they said, so I got another route ready.
My drive back home I'm thinking's bout Whit but that woman just popped in my head and I couldn't stop thinking of her. I got excited for next drop. Even though I can't speak with her I wanted to know her name. She looked quite young. Around my age. Ain't no way I can reach out to her without causing attention to myself.
Though I still felt some type of way about with and what I did with the waitress. What's her name again?
Damn. I ain't shit.
My phone started to ring from an unknown number. I answered and wait for the person to speak.
"I heard the drop went well." My dad said.
"Yeah it did." I replied thinking of that woman.
"Bout time you get something right. Anyways, don't fuck this up these people ain't shit to be making mistakes with. This is your warning boy." He said then hung up.
I'm used to him doing that. I didn't care anymore. One day he won't be able to get to me. That way he don't have to pretend he loves me. and as for my mom. Well she's my mom.
My phone rings again and without looking I answered.
"Hello." I heard her voice and my heart began beating fast.
"Hey." I said.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to send you those..."
"It's all good. You don't have to explain yourself to me. We are not together." It came out a little harsher that expected.
"I was drunk." She said softly
"Nah, you just wanted to rub your new nigga in my face. You probably had him on the side while we was-"
"It wasn't like that. We met at the club." She cuts me off.
"How nice. I'm glad you found each other. I can't be mad at you. I broke up with you. So I guess it's good your moving on. Yeah....... it is." I realize. I'm too dangerous for her. It's a good thing.
She was silent on the other end.
"I only did it because I heard a girl-"
"Yeah. I had sex with another girl." I blurted out.
"It wasn't the girl you heard over the phone, I did it after I got those pictures."
She was silent again. I knew she was crying.
"Okay." She said softly. Then hung up.
I know I'm hurting her. But I'm doing what's best for her. She just doesn't know it. I'm thinking I might just drop out anyways or maybe I'll transfer. The place is going to remind me of her.
Out of nowhere a red car sped right by me then stopped in front of me. I hit the brakes but I wasn't sure if it was going to stop in time. When the truck did. I sat there waiting, I had to be cautious. I pulled my gun out and set it on my lap. I wasn't going to sit here forever. I was about to reverse when the door of the red Lamborghini open and she stepped out. The lady from the drop. This time she was wearing a red and white suit. I looked around my area.
She walk around to her car and stopped.
I hopped out the truck.
"Whatever it is, I can fix it." I said thinking the guns are not what she expected or they didn't work. She just stood there looking how she looks.
"Oh, so you speak." She said.
"What?" I said confused
"There's nothing wrong with the shipment" She took her sun glasses off.
"Then. What the hell are you doing?" I asked.
"I like your face." She said.
I looked at her confused
"So I wanted to.... keep in contact with you. Personally ." She said
I was shocked.
"Well. I Uh."
"I couldn't say much in front of my men." She said.
"Well, I can't give my number to you. I'll have to buy a phone. I gotta be cautious." I said.
"That's fine, I'll get a new one too and at the next pick up we exchange number. We meet here after. Deal?" She said with out any type of expression.
"Very well then." She turned around, hopped in her car and sped off.
"What the fuck just happened?" I got back into the truck and continued my journey back home.

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