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I didn't have classes on Tuesdays and Thursday. This was my final semester being a junior.
My college was small, mostly because it was private and cost more to attend for the average school.
Atlanta College is an HBCU.
My sister attend Kelman College which was literally right next door to my school and Merehome College. Atlanta Collge was Co Ed.

Kelman Collge being all guys private HBCU and Merehome being all girls private HBCU.
I really love the vibe of all school.
But I hated school in general.

It was a Tuesday afternoon and I was still in bed, procrastinating on doing assignments and checking my emails.
*knock *knock
"RA bitch open up." My roommate yelled.
I laughed as she tried to disguise her voice.
I got up and open the door.
"Fuck You want?" I asked.
"Non' just wanted to bother you." She pushed pass me and sat on my bed.
"Did you go to class today?" I asked her.
"Yeah, stupid a bitch gave us homework." She rolled her eyes.
"Well Cina, I'm sorry to break it to you....... you are in Collge hunny." I said with a sad face.

"Oh am I, bitch I thought I was somewhere else " She said sarcastically.
"So what's new?" She kicked her shoes off and lay next to me.
"Shiiiiit, ain't nothing new really." I said

I met Cina off Twitter freshman year and she's been my friend ever since. She is like a sister to me. We look out for each other and understand each. We literally are together all the time. But one thing about us is when know when to leave each other alone and get some space. I guess that's the main reason why our friendship flourish. We also have the same taste in some things. And sometimes we dress alike unintentionally.

"Same. Alright hoe, I'll leave you be." She got up put her slides on and close my door.
Cina and I smoked weed our entire sophomore year and still manage to make all A's. We decided to stop because we didn't want to make it an habit. Just for fun only. 

I groaned as I felt my stomach rumbling. Putting my slides on I head to the kitchen to see what I can prepare.
"Fuck." I whispered to myself when I realized that absolutely nothing in the refrigerator was mine.
I search through my recently called to talk to my bank.
"Hey Dad, how are you doing?" I asked in my baby voice.
"Hello my favorite daughter" his voice cheered up.
I talked a bit with him before finally ask for some money for food.
Like always he'll ask why.

"Because I'm hungry." I whined like a child
"You never hungry yet." My dad always say this. And it is true. The older I got the more I know why he always says this.
"Yes I am, just send me some money please." I whined.
"Why?" He asked again jokingly
"I'm hungry." I said loudly getting annoyed at how much he plays sometimes.
"Okay. Tell me what hungry feels like." He laughed.

We literally have the same conversation every I tell him I'm hungry. I honestly don't even know. I just want food. Finally he decides to send $100 to my account and that will last me for 2 weeks because I asked him again.

I got dressed and drove to the nearest Kroger supermarket. I only plan on spending $50 today.
I pulled my notes out and check the list I have and began to shop.
I was now in the cereal isle trying to decide what cereal I wanted to eat for the next 2 weeks.
"Hey." I heard a recognizable voice behind me.
I spun around .
"Hey Niiiiiickalous." I manage to remember his name. I highly doubt he remembers mines.
"How are you? " He smiled at me
He had a few things in his shopping cart 🛒 . 
"I'm good, what about you? Getting use to the new school?"
"Maaaan..." He began as if he was about to down talk the school.
"It's fucking lit here." He continued excited.
"I'm glad your liking it." I said.
I really was happy he's enjoying here. My freshman year I hated it. So much.
"Do you wanna shop together?" I asked him.
I watched as he looked surprised at my question and I quickly regretted it.
"You don't have, if you don't...."
"I'd love to."
"Okay." I smiled at him. "So now you can help me with which cereal I want."
"Pick Lucky Sharms. You can't  go wrong with those." He said taking a family size box from the shelves and putting it in my cart.
"Thank you."
Damn he's fine as fuck.
I secretly eyed him at any chance I get. I didn't notice before but now I do. I quickly dismissed the thought that I was about to have.

"So what's your major?" I asked as we walked down the baking isle.
"Mass communication." He said. "I want to be a screen writer. You?"
"Same. But film director." I shrugged.
"Where are you from Whitanie." He asked.
Bitch he remembered your name!!!
"I was born in Jamaica, I moved here like fives years ago." I said.
"Ahhhhh the Jamaicans." He said nodding his head.
"I heard your accent, but not that much."
"Yeah, well I hide it will." I said.
"Why?" I looked at him and he actually seems confused.
"When I first came here, I just wanted to fit in. I guess I did a good job." I shrugged.
We continue to shop and talk for a while.

"Okay, I'm pretty sure everything in here together is $50." I said surveys my cart to see if I change my mind on getting anything.

"Really? I'll pay for you." He offered.
"No." I screwed up my face. "Nigga I just met you."
"So?" He pushed his head out and shake it
"So, that is ridiculous. I'm not letting you do that." I walked away before he could say anything else.
I found a empty cashier and began putting my stuff on the black thingy that slides the food to the cashier.

I knew Nickalous was behind me because I could smell his soft smelling cologne.
I payed for my grocery and waited for Nickalous.

He must he out of his mind. Nigga you don't know me to be paying for my groceries.
He probably would want something in return.
As soon as the thought crossed my mind I turned around and walk away.
I groan inwardly.

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