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I got out back to my room, unpacked my groceries quickly and began fixing myself up. Just a little makeup.
Cina walk out of her room.
"Where you going?" She asked watching me as I hurry.
"Uhh. Out. To eat." I said.
"With who?" Her eyes widen "cuz I'm the only one you know in this bitch."
"A guy." I rolled my eyes
"Bitch... what guy? From where? Did you just met this nigga at the supermarket?" She steps closer with every question she asked.

"I met him yesterday.... in class."
"What class? Your 8 am?"
"Yes Intro to Film."
"What's his name?"
"Nickalous." I said shyly.
"Oh, do you like him?"
Her question kind of caught me off guard because she already know I never know how I feel.
"He's pretty cool." I said.
"Of course he's pretty cool. Everyone is pretty cooool to you hoe." She rolled her eyes
"Well... is that nigga cute?" She eyed me closely.
"Yeah, he's.... cute." I said shrugging.
I'm not one to go off looks. Cina already knows this.
"Oh my gosh, Whit, that nigga is ugly?" She exclaimed.
"He ain't ugly..... at least not to me." I said.
Cina was about to say something when my phone started to ring. It was him.
"Hey, I'm outside." His voice sounded so smooth over the phone.
" Okay, I'll be out." I said before I hung up.
"I gotta go." I said to Cina as she smile devilish at me.
Fucking creep.
I head downstairs. I didn't know what car I was looking for. Then I saw him got out and lean on the side of his car.
This nigga drives a Tesla.
"Nice car." I said as I looked at the black Tesla.
"Thanks." He said. "But before you get in, where do you want to go."

"We can go to Waffle House." I said almost too happy.
"Waffle House?" He said rolling his eyes.
"Oh you one of those people." I fold my arms.
"Which people?"
"IHOP is my favorite, IHOP is the best." I mocked him.
He laughed at the squeaky voice I make.
"Well, I guess I'm one of them then. Let's go." He turned around
"Wait!" I said
"We are not going to Waffle House." I said
"Why, you just said...."
"Ahhhhhhhh know what I said. But you don't like Waffle House, so let's pick somewhere we both like." I said.
"Oh" his eyes widen before going back to there normal size.
"What about.... IHOP?" I asked and he eyes me.
"You don't even like IHOP."
"I never said that." I said while poking him in the chess.
"IHOP it is then." I walked away before he could say anything else.
I got in his car. It smell exactly like him.
"So... imma just put IHOP in this gps right quick."
He started tapping the big ass iPad looking screen in his Tesla.
"You wanna hear anything?" He ask looking at me.
He face was round by his jawline was defined
"Can I touch your face." I asked
"He looked at me like I was crazy before replying
"Yes weirdo." He chuckled
Using the back of my hand I gently rubbed his cheek.
"Your skin is like hella soft." I muttered.
Then he looked at me.
We stared in each other's eyes
"Your hands are hella cold." He smiled. Then brought his hand up to mine. His hand felt soft and warm against mine.
I couldn't ignore the weird feeling in my stomach.
"Uhhh we should go." He said with his eyes still locked on mines.
What the hell did this nigga just do to me.

"Yeah." I pulled my hand away from his face. And put my seatbelt on.
We got to IHOP and we got a booth next to a window.
"Let's order for each other." I said
"What?" He looked up at me from the menu.
"I order something I'll think you like and you do the same for me."
"Okay. Yeah. That'll be fun." He looked up at me. "I'm not telling you what your getting."
"Oh please, I'm gonna hear what you tell the waitress. When she comes back." I rolled my neck at him.

We sat silently reading the menu. I glance up at him one too many times while he was reading. Until his eye looked up and met mines.  And we chuckled.
"What are you looking at?" I asked jokingly.
"Beauty." He smiled at me.
I just smiled at him and continued to read the menu.

My heart started beat really fast. I felt all the rush when to my head. I suddenly felt nervous around him. When the waitress appeared, we both ordered for each other.
We made small talks while we waited for our food.
"I'm sorry. Did I say something to have you acting all strange?"
"How can a stranger..... act strange?" I asked him.
"You're not a stranger." He said softly?
"Well for the couple of hours we spent together. I feel like I've been known you."

"That's impossible."I mumbled while avoiding his eyes
"Nothing is impossible."
"You're so coooorrnyy." I whined.

"I can be a lot of things Whitanie." He winked at me.
Is he flirting with me.

"Really now?" I manage to say.
"Yes, maybe if you stick around me long enough. You'll see." He pulled his wallet out and dropped $25 on the table.
"I thought.... we could split the bill."
His legs were so long my knees were in-between them.
His leg slightly graze mines from time to time.
"Hell nah girl." He crunch his face together. "Come on let's go."

"Go where?" I asked confused.
"For a walk." He smiled.
Clearly he's up to something but i didnt care. I like spending time with him.

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