Part 20

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"So what if he slept with someone else. You practically sent him pictures." Lionel said cutting his pancakes.
"Yeah, you kind of drove him to it. If we being honest." Shyla butted in.
"That don't mean he should have just, put his dick in some other girl." Brandon said.
"Thank you!!!!" I said.
"I mean, he did say bet." Ly said "what else you thought he was gonna do."
"I don't even know." I played with my food.
"The good news is that you both are trying to move on. The bad news is that y'all doing it to piss each other off. Not to actually move on." Brandon said.
He was right. Why bother. I can't get mad that he fucked someone else and like he said he shouldn't be mad either.
"Yea. You're right." I succumb to the fact that we might never get back together.
I left them to go finish my interview. I was half way done with mines. I thought of every possible way it can go. I had at-lease 70 questions already. I like that our group never ask about how each of us is doing on the interview. I think we are all secretive about it because it still is a competition. I feel like I work on minds the most. I do mostly reading and research and calling to make sure my facts are straight.
I still can't believe he really had sex with someone else. Who? It doesn't even matter. He broke up with me and this tit for tat shit ain't gone work because I'm the one getting hurt. I doubt he even gave a smigget of fuck. I know I wouldn't.
At lease Jeremy is pretty nice to me. I don't want him to be a rebound guy but he seems like that's what he wants to be. But I'm just not ready for that yet. I heard a slight knock on my door.
"Who is it?" I yelled. But no answer
I look through the peep hole. It's was Shyla.
She never really leave her room that often so I'm surprised to see her.
"Hey." I opened the door.
"Hey can I talk to you." She looked nervous.
"Yea, sure come on in." She walks into my room and sat at my desk. She immediately close my laptop, I'm guessing because she doesn't want me to think she's gonna steal my work.
"It's about your, friend, Jeremy." She was avoiding my eyes.
"What about Jere?"
"Well.......remember I told you I have a good intuition for bad vibes? I'm sensing all bad vibes with him Whit. And I know it's none of my business but I wouldn't sleep right if I didn't warn you about him." She said.
"Um. Well. Uhh thank you. For letting me know. What bad vibe are you getting exactly?" I was curious.
"Like he just doesn't have the right intentions. I honestly think you might be too good for him." She smiled.
I am so confused. Like why is she here with all this intuition heebee jeebee shit.
"Aw yea. Thank you for informing me of your..... feeling." I said confused.
"No problem" she looked like she had something else to say.
"Anything else?" I asked.
"Well since you ask. I don't think you should trust Jeremy. He. He. Something is off about him." She said shaking her head.
"Why do you keep saying that." I was getting frustrated.
"Well last year contestants all said they met a guy name Jordan. One of the girls started to date him and they got close. Well they all did. But turns out he wasn't who he say he is. He was there just to sabotage her work. He slept with her the day before the interview and when she woke up the next day, she was late. As fuck. Missed everything. He set her clock back 6 hours because he so use to "London time."" She laugh. "Man wasn't even from London."

"Damn, that's fucked up." Is all I could say. "But thanks for the heads up."  Wow. Like can't trust not a single soul anymore in these streets. I'm cautious of all of them including Shyla.
I'm trying to win this thing. Have my name plastered on everybody's tv. I don't need any distractions. From anyone. Not to be paranoid and all but I am.
"Yea, he just seem weird to me, you know?" Shyla said.
"Yeah I feel you." I said.
"Well, I need to get back to work." She got up and left.
And I checked to make sure everything was still at my desk and my computer is still..... I don't know. I still checked it though.
I was supposed to meet up with Jeremy in 30 mins. for dinner but now I don't want to. But I'm not gonna set him up like that. I'll just go and act normal. 
I met with Jere at the restaurant. It was very low key and not a lot of noise. It was nothing fancy or ratchet it was just a slow night for them I guess.
"Who doesn't like rollercoasters?!" He said in disbelief.
"Me, don't make me feel all bad about it." I pouted.
"Shit, why though?" I took at bite of his pasta.
"I'm sorry, why? Because I don't like feeling like I'm on the brink of death." I sip my water. "Plus, have you ever seen final destination 2? Yea. No thanks."
"Wow. Imma take you on a ride one of these days."
I'll ride your face. I chucked.
"Your mind is so dirty Whitneeeey." He smile.
"What? I didn't even say anything."
"You didn't have -
His phone rang. "Hold on." He got up and went to what I'm assuming is the bathroom.
About 10 minutes past and he was still in the bathroom. I went to the bathroom door and before I could knock I overheard his conversation on accident.
"I told you, I need more time to get closer to her. I had to opportunity to get it but she had a password on her laptop man. Just wait a bit babe you'll win this thing.........I know, I know. Dammit baby, this is a lot of fucking work. Yea, yea, yea, I gotta go now." I heard the toilet flushed and I sprinted back to my seat and try to compose myself like I wasn't just at the bathroom door. 
"Is everything okay." I asked as he sat down.
"Yeah yeah, I was on the phone with my sister, she was crying. Bad break up." He said.
He lied, bold faced lied. Straight to my chubby face.
"Awe, is she ok?" I asked. I really don't give a fuck.
"Yeah, just gave her some brotherly advice." He said flashing his smile that no longer had an effect on my lady bits.
What in the actual fuck. Me out of all of us, they want to sabotage me? Wow. The fuck did I do?

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