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"Hey, congratulations by the way." Shyla gave me a hug. "You deserve it"
"Uh come on, you did pretty damn good if you ask me." She sat on my bed as I'm packing.
"Sorry about what Brandon did to you, it's fucked up."
"It really is, I trusted Brandon a little bit. I didn't know I was so intimidating to him." I said as I remembered our argument when I confront him the morning after the party at breakfast.

"Hey Brandon. Did we argue last night?"
"Uhhh. Yes. Nothing major we were just wasted." He said.
"But the guy that owned the house said it was pretty serious. So what the fuck?"
"Yea it was serious Brandon." Shy spoke up giving him a deathly stare.
Ly seemed to be as clueless as I am.
"Shut up Shy."
"Don't fucking talk to her like that." Ly said with his mouth full.
"You know what? I'm done pretending, I don't like none of you. Y'all walk around here like y'all have it all together and shit. You always bitching about some nigga, you too damn shy to say "hey Whit can you not date that guy I fucking like and you. Why are we a secret. If you say you love me why do you want to keep it on the low. Fuck y'all. Fuck this shit. Imma win this because y'all fucking stupid."
He stormed off. And honestly I was shocked.

"Honestly if I knew you liked him I'd wouldn't have went out with him. Like you didn't have to make that story up." I said to Shy. She apologized to me but I don't trust her now.
"I'm sorry, I just panicked."
Panicked? Really? It's just a nigga.

"Yeah, who knew he was gay?" I said
"Ly did." We both laughed
"Well I wish them both a good happy life because I can't." I said
"Anyways I'm heading out soon. So I'll keep in contact." Shy gave me a hug.
Nope I don't wanna see none of y'all asses ever again.
"Yeah, you do that." I smiled and watched her leave.
After hours of packing and getting ready to leave I finally check my phone.

My heart!
"This cannot be happening."
I read the line in bold.
With his face. Nic is missing. No.
I started to call, maybe he would answer me.
Nothing, straight to voicemail. I sent text after text.
Over the past 2 hours of traveling I called and texted him nonstop hoping those flyers were fake.
I got off the plane and drove straight to his house. His car there along with 2 other cars.
I rang the door bell.
A tall guy answered the door. It was his father. Splitting image of him.
"May I help you?" He said
"Hi, my name is Whit, I'm looking for Nic." I said hoping he'll be alive in his room, smoking.
"I'm sorry but I can't find my boy anywhere." I saw how sad he was in his eyes but he kept it cool.
"He just up and disappeared."
"Who's at the door Ego?" A woman said.
She walked up and she's the one from the picture his mother.
"I told you it wasn't a good idea to put that flyer out, now people are gonna be popping up." He said to her.
"Oh hush, she's the first to stop by and it's been days . Come on in darling." She smiled at me. Her hair was curly she reminded me of Kerry Washington by the way she talked.

We said in the living.
"May I asked how do you know our son?" His father sat on the arm of the chair while his mom sat in the chair.
"We met at school." I said and their expressions where a bit surprised.
"I'm sorry. school?" His mom clarify.
"Yes college, we had classes together."
I really hope I'm not snitching on him right now because his mom seem surprised and his dad looked like he'll run over a kitten.
"Um are you sure." His dad pick up a picture of him. "This Nic?"
I nodded yes.
"Okay, that's cool, I suppose. What do he gain from that?"
"He told me he was trying to become a better person for himself." I said
They looked at me.
"You must have been close?" His mom said.
"Yes for a little while." I said. "I'm just here hoping he'll be here, I'm really worried. If there anything i can do I'll do it. I really can't stand the thought of...." losing him.
I felt myself starting to tear up, the hurt is beginning to seep through.
"Well dare," his mom said "I'm sure Nic trusts you. And we can too, is it too much to ask you to stay in this house until our son returns. We both have important matters to attend to concerning our sons job. We believe that may help us get some answers." She said.
They want me to stay here? by myself? just in case he returns? I don't know if it's appropriate. What if he shows up and needs help or something.

"Yeah. I'll stay." I know he's not dead, he's somewhere I just hope he's okay.
"Great, see problem solved now you can stop bickering and get to work. You find my son or I'll find him myself, FIND MY CHILD or I'm snitching on all. Your. Bullllllshit Ego. Allofit. And If he's dead I'll never forgive you." She said to him in the sternest tone.

"Thank you darling. I must go now." She smiled at me and left.
"I saw you on the news." His dad said. "Interviewing the president."
"Yea it was a competition I won."
"You got connects like that I see." He laughed.
"No not really." This is awkward.
"Well, Nic is our only son, it's important to me that we find him as soon as possible, his mother is..... is irrational at times. Crazy is the word but she means well. If he ever comes back give me a call." He gave me a burner phone.
"My number is stored in it just ring me if anything, also I know you know this but don't answer the door for just anybody. If something seems off, call me. Not the cops." He said.

Not the cops? Errrr? What did I get myself into?
He left and i sat in his living room. I still tried calling his phone but nothing no answer. I left voicemail just in case maybe he can hear them.

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