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I saw the way she looked at me. I didn't mean to yell at her. I thought she didn't care about what I had going on. She didn't ask, she never ask. But I yelled at her I shouldn't have done that.
"I have to go now ok." I kissed her forehead then left.
I can't let her fall in love with me. I can't put my shit on her shoulders like that.
"I'd say I love you." Who says that so easily unless she's falling for me. I'm in some shit that I don't want her to be apart of. I can't tell her shit without her thinking something else. I don't wanna lose her but imma put her at risk if i continue to fuck with her.
This shit is beyond me.
I was sitting in my car. I checked my phone and it was 10 missed calls from my dad.
"Ayo son, you better bring yo ass to the crib right motherfucking now, don't make me hunt you down."
I looked at the time and it was sent 2hours ago. He gone be pissed. I didn't know why he was back in town or what the fuck he wanted.
I got back to the crib and saw 2 cars in the driveway. Only one of them I didn't recognize. I walked in and saw my dad and other man sitting in the living room.
"Where the fuck you been boy." He yelled.
"I was handling business." I said.
"For 3 fucking hours. Do I look dumb to you boy?" He said.
Yes, as fuck.
"You lucky I don't have time for this." He said. "This is Peeps." He said. Peeps looked very much like my dad but he was darker and buffer. Like a Morris Chestnut.
He nodded and I nodded back.
"You and Peeps about to run this operation together." My dad said. "I feel like you been slacking Young bull and need some help."
"I ain't been slacking Ego. I messed up once." I said.
"One too many." He rolled his eyes. "You'll still be my main man but you got a partner. Imma leave you two to become aquatinted. I gotta be on a flight." He dapped Peeps and left. Not even a "bye boy."
I hates when he calls me a boy. I'm 22 years old and my pops calls me a boy.
"Aye," Peeps wave to get my attention.
"Yea, sorry. Back to business." I said
"You may not know me, but I know you, I grew up with your pops." He said.
Peeps had a gentle deep voice, nothing to be intimidated by. At least that's what most think. I've heard of him before and the shit he can do.
"Oh yeah." I wasn't interested in hearing it.
"Yeah, it was just you, your moms and Ego against the world. Not even the God above could've got Ego away from you guys." He said.
If we were so fucking close then why do he hates the fuck out of me now.
"Well, that was then." I said. "I just want to know what are you going to have control over?"

"Hold up man. I know you young and eager ." He laughed "you remind me of Ego at your age." 
"What are we waiting on." I was getting irritated I just wanted to get this shit over with.

"I know you in school." He said
"I'm not-
"You don't have to lie to me man, I ain't your pops." He stood up.
"I don't-
"Don't worry, I ain't gon snitch on you young blood. I ain't here for none of that, it ain't my business. I think you got some balls going to school."
"I ain't tryna do this forever man." I laid back on the couch.
"I kinda knew that. Yo dad ever tell you why he so against you going to school." He went to kitchen and grab a bottle of water.

"Nah, he just said I gotta focus on the business." He muttered.
"That ain't it. See, I think it's good your in school, but for Ego, he thinks your gonna get weak, meet new people, friends, get a girl or boy."
"Girl." I said quickly
"So there's a girl." He smirked
"No, I mean, yeah but imma cut it." I said and I felt a wave of sadness over me.
"That's the thing, when your in the game, you gotta be in it alone, these motherfuckers will use the people you love to hurt you man. No emotional ties. It's too risky." He sat down and looked at me. "I'm a perfect example."
"They took someone from you?" I asked
"My wife." He said softly "Kendra."
"Damn my bad, you don't have to talk about it." I said.
"It's all good." He got up. "Imma leave you to it."
The nods to a pile of papers I gotta go through and shred.
"Damn." I sighed. "This shit gon take all night."
"Like You got something better to do?" He laughed then left.
I got a text message from Whit and my heart couldn't bare the thought of losing her.
Whit: did I do something to upset you?
I don't know what to tell her. I want to tell her the shit I'm in but how will she take it. I don't know. I don't want her to end up like Peeps wife. I have to break up with her.
Me: can we talk?
I told her to come to my house, that way she could leave whenever she felt like it. I hid the papers and clean up the mess my dad made. I didn't want her to know he even exits. I started drinking some liquor before she got here. I needed some liquid courage. I had to calm my nerves, I just have to tell her we can't see each other anymore that's it. Why? What if she ask why? No reason.
I opened the door. She was in a grey hoodie, some black tights and some brown uggs. Her hair was down and I couldn't read her face she has a nonchalant look.
"Hey." I said to her.
"Hi." She said softly.
She sat in the couch and I sat in the chair across from her.
"So what's up." She said
I rubbed my face, my heart was pounding.
"No, you didn't do anything wrong." I said.
"Then why'd you leave like you did." She said with a confused look on her face.
"I just had to be somewhere, that's it." I lied.
"Look at me." Her voice was stern
I could barely look at her since she arrived
"What did I do?" She asked again.
"No-nothing." I stuttered
"Why are you lying." Her voice slightly rising.
"I'm not lying." I said softly. "We have to break up."
There was silence. I couldn't look at her. I just can't
"Why." She asked
"Because I can't do this anymore." I said.
"Do What Nic? Be in a relationship?" She got up.
"Yes Whitney Yes. I can't do it, this lovey dovey shit. It ain't me , I ain't, -"
"You ain't what? That type of nigga? I thought we were good, having fun. Had mutual feelings, what happened?"
"A lot happened lady, shit you won't even grasp and I wasn't having fun, I was pretending and you should go." I said.
"I'm not going anywhere, I don't believe you, I don't believe anything your saying, you asked me out there must have been something you liked about me. And out of nowhere your breaking up with me. Did your feelings disappeared over night? I want to be with you,-" she was yelling
"You can't be with me Whit." I yelled back.

"Whyyyy. Tell me why." She said angrily "you don't talk to me, something is always bothering the fuck out of you and you never ever want to talk about it."
"You never asked" I said
"You never want to taaalk." She screamed
"Maybe because it's none of your business." I blurted
"Why does everything gotta be a secret. I'm not here to judge you, I'm here for you, what ever you need I'll be it, I'm down for you. Because I know your a good guy-
"I'm not a good guy." I yelled very loudly I'm sure the neighbors heard me.
There was silence between us for a moment and I still couldn't bare to look her in the eyes and tell her. She would hate me. Call the police even. She would run away so fucking fast.

"Tell me why." She was so close to me I couldn't help but look at her. "Please tell me why"
She rubbed my face and I realized I was crying and standing.
"I'm not good for you Whit, I have to leave you alone." My heart was breaking "your not going to understand this, but I really need to let you go." I blinked to clear the tears from my eyes. I felt like a 10 truck ran over my heart.
"Why won't you just tell me what's going on?" She said rubbing my face.
"Because I can't." I said "please go." I said.
She looked at me.
"ok." She said wiping her tears. "I'll go."
She kissed my lips softly
"You're not a bad person." She whispered before she walked out of my life. My knees got weak and I fell to the floor and cried. I hated my life so much. My mother doesn't want me, my father hates me, I'm doing shit I don't want to be doing and I had to break up with the only light I've seen in a while.
Maybe I should end it all.
I got the liquor bottle and went upstairs. I turn on the water to catch a bath. I open the drawer to find my gun. I sat in the tub with the liquor bottle in one hand and gun in one hand. I miss her already but she's safe.

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