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"I really like him." I said to Cina as we walk to class.
"Of course you do. It's been centuries since you get some action." She body rolled in the air to imitate sex.
"Stop it." I laughed at her.
"Well, I'm glad you found someone. I just hope he deserves you." She said smiling at me.
"It's too soon to tell Ce. It's probably nothing." We arrived in Algebra.
"Doesn't seem like it's nothing." Her eyes strayed and i followed them. I saw who it was and quickly turn around.
My heart suddenly starts to beat fast.
"It's okay. Girl breathe. He likes you. Here he comes. Act normal." She smiled at me.
"Hey." I heard Nic's voice behind me.
I turned around and smiled at him.
"How y'all doing?" He smiled at us.
"Uh I'm good. My classes about to start." Cina hugged me and walked away. I felt even more nervous.
"Uh.. I'm good. Thanks. What about you?" I asked.
"I'm alright lady. Now that I've seen you." He smiled at me.
"So you have to see me to be having a good day?" I asked him.
"Well, it was decent at first but now it got a whole lot better."
"I'm glad I can do that for you." I looked at my shoes.
I suck at flirting.
"What class do you have now?" He asked me
"Uh Algebra. Proffessor's is not here yet."
"Oh okay.Can I see you later?" He asked
Yes. Yes
"Um yea-
"Hey Nic." A girl walked up to us and gave him a hug. Completely ignoring my presence.
"Uh hey Dedra." He smiled at her.
She was small in size her nails were really long and she was what I'd call a Instagram model.
"How are you. We were supposed be in groups." She squeezed his arm.
"Uhh. Yeah. Sorry I forgot." He said to her
I began to walk away.
"Hey! Whit,." He held his arms up suggesting why.
"I gotta go.. to class."
"Are we good for later." He yelled.
We were.
"Uhh. I just remembered I have a major test in my class so I have to study." I walked into my class.
I didn't want to feel some type of way about what just happened. It's not like we're together. Nothing is official. Him and his little friend just made me feel invisible. He probably likes her too. It was too good to be true. I'm mad at myself for catching feelings.

Hey, can we talk? Just for a sec.
Ok. I'll be out in a couple of minutes.

Honestly I didn't want to talk to him. I'm mad I caught feelings for him. It was stupid. I mean he is fucking sexy. Like fine as fuck. I'm pretty sure every girl in this damn school wants him. So I should be that last on his list of girls to fuck with. De-something is way prettier than me.

A few minutes later after class I saw him waiting in front of my residents hall.

"So what's up?" I said avoiding eye contact.
"Did I do something?" He asked me
"No. No."
"Oh it's just cause, you made up having a test in a class that I'm in. And I double checked and we didn't have a test."
"It's another class."
"Well Whit. You're a terrible lier." He chuckled.
"I know something is wrong. I just don't know what?" He rubbed his nose. Something I notice he does.
"Listen." I sighed. "You're a great guy, you're......... fine. As.fuck. And you're super chill. But I just don't want you playin-"
"Is this about earlier? With the girl?" He laughed and rubbed his face.
I didn't say anything. It was kind of about her.
"Well what am I supposed to think? She was rubbing all over you and stuff." I said a little angrier than intended.
"Listen. I don't like her. I like you. She's just a girl from class." He said softly. "I'm not trying to play you in any way Whit. I like you-like you." He held my hand and I couldn't helped but blush.
"I like you-like you too."
"Now, are you done being angry at me?" He bit his lips and I had to cross my legs.
"Yes." I whispered.
"Good. So one more thing." He said.
"You think I'm fine? As fuck?" He laughed.
"Yes. I also think he's fine as fuck too." I pointed to the crackhead across the street.
"Mm, you have terrible, terrible taste." He laughed and pulled me in for a hug.
"Haaay Nic." A group of girls walked by us while giving me side eyes. He nodded at them.
"I honestly don't know them." He said rubbing his nose again.
"Well, your mister popular now."
I pat his chest then walked away.

I got on the elevator. And so did his friend from earlier. We were the only ones in the elevator. I've never notice her around before.
"So are you and Nic. Together." She said out of nowhere.
Noting was official. But didn't want to give her the impression that it wasn't.
"Uh, Yes. We are."
"Aww. It didn't seem that way earlier when I talk to him." She said.
The elevator stopped on my 4th floor.
I rolled my eyes.
"Mind your business." I said before leaving the elevator.
Dumb bitch. Don't you know I'll drag you.

"Uh oh." Cina said "who do I have to fight?"
I walked into our room. I told Cina what happened with Nic and that girl.
"Don't be paying no attention to that thirst bitch. She ran through the whole football team now she making her way to the baseball team." Cina said in disgust.
"Well, I'm not threatened by her anymore. If Nic didn't like me, he wouldn't have hit me up to talk. Right?" I ask Cina.
"Right, most niggas will leave you hanging, so he like you-like you."
She was right. He made an effort to make sure everything was good and I couldn't help but like him even more.

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