Thirty-fifth scene

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Written by: CaptainDiAngelo

The camera zooms in and out, trying to focus on the pretty lady in front of it.

"Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen! On today's episode, the contestants shall enjoy a day outside playing a series of games!"

"I am your host, Elixir," she says while flipping her hair. "Lets see if today's episode will spark any competitiveness or drama! We'll find out right after the commercials. Stay tuned!"


Elixir turned around to look at the contestants, "Alright gang, after we come back from break, I'll tell you who you'll be competing against and what activity. For now, have fun!"

The contestants move around to go chat with their friends. Jimin excused himself from Jungkook and left to go find Yoongi. While scanning the crowd, he found Yoongi talking with his partner, Hoseok.

Jimin smiled, heading towards the duo, only to stop short watching Hoseok laugh and rub Yoongi's arm. He stood there awkwardly, wondering what to do and thinking...

Holy shit, that's my man.

He noticed Yoongi ruffle Hoseok's hair before saying goodbye, turning around and finally spotted Jimin.

Yoongi smirked, "Hey babe."

Jimin looked around for any cameras, but did not find any. He wondered why Yoongi called him by the endearing name if there was no camera to play around with.

The younger rolls his eyes, "Ha ha, very funny, Yoongi. I just came here to wish you good luck, but it seems like," he nodded towards Hoseok, "You don't need it."

Yoongi pinched his cheek and cooed, "Aw, is someone jealous?"

Jimin huffs and swats his hand away, "Hardly, I have Jungkook, remember?"

The elder detected jealousy coming from Jimin, but if Jimin was dodging his questions, then two can play that game. He felt hurt yesterday (wouldn't openly admit that) that Jimin had completely forgotten about him and had chosen Jungkook over him. Maybe he should return the favor.

"Yes, I vaguely remember him," Yoongi pretends to be thinking intensely. "Short, dark hair, mustache and monocle glasses, right?"

"Not even close," Jimin murmured, getting frustrated with his partner in crime. Then it hit him, Yoongi was jealous and was trying to get him mad. Well, luckily for him, Jimin has impressive acting skills.

Jimin walked next to Yoongi, draped his arm over Yoongi's shoulders. "No, see that gorgeous man out there," he said pointing towards Jungkook, "That's my Kooks. Handsome, isn't he?"

"Yeah, well, you see that guy over there," Yoongi said pointing towards Hoseok, "He's literally glowing with beauty. I'm practically the luckiest guy to be partnered with him. I wonder what I did in my past life to deserve him."

"Probably not much since you didn't get partnered with Jungkook- who's going to lead us into victory today!" bragged Jimin, getting into a superman pose.

Yoongi tsked, "You wish, Cheonsa. I'll tell Hoseok to go easy on you kids."

"Fuck you-"

"Um, excuse me?" a petite size crew member poked Jimin's shoulder, catching the duo's attention. "Commercial break is about to end. Please go stand next to your partners."

Both men apologized and bowed. Once the crew member left, Jimin glared at Yoongi, "It is on, Akma."


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