Fortieth scene

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Half an hour had passed and already thousands of screaming fangirls erupted the whole concert hall. The show was about to start in a few after explaining the current circumstances that delayed the show in the first place.

Jimin walked out of the infirmary despite what the nurse's said not to move around. However the medic from earlier had provided him a pair clutches which he was seriously thankful for. He sneaked his way in the back stage purposely trying to look for a certain guy.

Fortunately, the gods finally took pity on him and found the guy quicker than expected. There he was, peeking through the side with his hands clenched tightly. He held his arm catching the latter by surprise. He glanced behind his shoulder only to be surprised at the person he saw.

"Jimin? What are you doing here?! You should be resting!"

"Well, didn't I say I'd mock you the best that I can when you perform? Don't think I forgot about that." The younger remarked that clearly did not amused the other.

"Quit being stubborn and get back in there!"

"No! I refuse! I don't care what you say! I want to watch you perform!" He whined. Yoongi knew there was no point in arguing further and just sighed with a short nod.

Jimin stared at the large impatient crowd before them with a subtle melancholic smile. "So, this is the night huh."

"Yeah... we were so close."

"Yeah but we can't do anything about that." He let out a short remorseful chuckle and looked away. "I can't say I'm not disappointed. I have only myself to blame for my own misfortune and I have come to accept that. But hey, on the bright side, you won't be forced to continue on with our deal!"

"I really hope to win this stupid shitty show with you, it was the only thing I was hanging on to." The latter flashed him a sympathetic look.

"Ha! If someone's celebrating here, it's you right? Finally after all these months you can finally get rid of my annoying self." Jimin laughs the pain off of his chest. "But that doesn't mean you still can't win without me. Boy, I sure do admit you and Hoseok look great together, I swear! You both are polar opposites and you know what they say, opposites attract!"

Yoongi's expression escalated to a frown obviously upset at what he was hearing, especially coming from the boy himself. "Yeah, or so they've said."

"I'm happy for you hyung, Hoseok is a nice guy, a great guy! He's perfect for you." He grinned.

"Because an angel and a demon doesn't match for each other?"

Jimin who was taken aback flashed him an unsure smile and decided to laugh it off. He remembered saying it way before the show was just starting. He couldn't believe the latter would remember such a statement. "Certainly."

THE show started a few minutes after their conversation. The two continued to watch at the side feeling nervous yet happy for their friends who had given all of their efforts for this performance. Taehyung's voice was really deep and cool when he sang 'Someone like you' with his partner. It was then Namjoon and Jin's turn to perform which Jimin recalled to be a song entitled "Awake".

When the two appeared on the backstage, Jimin waved his hand at the older trying to catch his attention. "Jin hyung! Namjoon hyung! Good luck!"

They both had the look of surprise mostly because the fact that Jimin was there instead of resting in bed. Nonetheless they both assured him a smile and entered the stage. Yoongi looked down to his balled fists, Jimin noticed this and placed his hand over his.

"Hey, I know you'll do great." Jimin smiled at him.

"That's not what I'm worried about..." The older replied as he averted his gaze.

"Then what?"

"My parents... they're in the audience. I don't why or how they even knew about this." Yoongi bit his lip. "I thought I wouldn't be affected by now but it's just like seven years ago all over again. I feel so little like how they judged me for my dream and how I felt incredibly useless to them."

"Stop! You shouldn't feel like that, you're a lot of things but you're not useless. Didn't you say you're gonna prove yourself to them? It's the only reason why you entered this show in the first place! Then go out there and show them how wrong they are! Show them you're the son they could have to their asshole faces!"

Yoongi slightly paused before cracking out a laughter. Jimin frowned thinking the older didn't take his words seriously. "You have a weird way of showing encouragement."

"Stop laughing!"

The older draped a hand above his head and bobbed his head up and down. "Alright cheonsa, I'll do my best."

"Tch, you better win this."

The crowd cheered as the Namjin couple's performance was over. Now it was Yoongi and Hoseok's turn, the last pair to perform. Hoseok was already on the side waiting for the older to finish talking to the latter. Yoongi glanced at the smaller male.

"Just so you know, the deal is over so even if I do win this, you wouldn't get the other half of it." Yoongi teasingly spoke with a smirk.

"At least treat me out for ice cream or something!" Jimin retorted.


Yoongi smiled and turned to his heel, walking towards Hoseok. Jimin anxiously gripped on to his clutches thinking if he would confess now or never. This was the only chance he had. Before the two could leave, he shouted, "Yoongi!"

The male looked back but Jimin didn't say anything.

"What is it?"


Jimin shook his head and smiled. "You better win akma!" Yoongi nodded his head with a wide grin and turned his back from him once again, entering the stage with his partner.

Yes. This is how it should be.

Now the deal was broken, he doesn't need to hold unto that any further. It was pointless to continue anyway and they both knew that yet oblivious of each other's feelings. From the start, Namjoon was right all along, they both in fact, broke the first rule. They fell for each other.

Short chapter but I guess I'm trying to finish the book as fast as I can. Only one chapter left folks!

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