Thirtieth scene

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Written by: CaptainDiAngelo

"Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen!" announced Elixir as she smiled brightly at the camera. "This week's challenge is to raise the pets and shower them with love. Whoever raised their dog the best wins the prize!"

The contestants and pets were gathered in a huge field, each spread apart to give them space. "Since ya'll arent professional trainers, the competition is pretty easy. Everything done today is based on your dogs' ability to listen and take orders from you."

First Round: Roll over

"Roll over, Holly!" Yoongi urged. Jimin helped by imitating a dog, rolling over on the grass, which Holly copied.

"Yeah, success!"

On the other side of the field, Taehyung and Jungkook tried their best to co-train Miri without having much interaction between each other. Jimin thought that even Miri could sense the tension between the two. Nevertheless, Miri succeeded.

Namjoon and Jin, on the other hand, were having trouble with Adam. After several minutes and attempts, Adam rolled over but then ran and crashed into Namjoon.

Elixir twirled a strand of hair, "Well, I didn't think it would be this hard to train a dog! Half of the teams are already eliminated, the remaining few are the top 10 favorites from the audience."

Elixir glanced away from the camera, just in time to see Hoseok eat a dog treat and scrunched his face in disgust.
She gives the camera the 'Jim staring at the camera' look, "This is going to be a long day."

Second Round: Catch

Hoseok asked a staff member for guidance, "Sir, do you think my dog will listen to me if I first show how to run and catch the chew-toy? I'll pretend to be a dog–"

Elixir facepalmed, "Hoseok no."

"You see this, Adam?" Jin waved around the squeaky toy, "Now...go catch it!"

Adam lazily looks up and huffs. Jin pouts and begs for Namjoon's help. The younger hesitantly complies, walking over to Adam. "Okay, Adam. Hyung is looking, so you better make me look good." Namjoon squished the toy. "You can do this Namjoon, its easy – easy peasy, lemon squeezy – No, stop getting distracted! Let's do this for Jin-hyung."

Namjoon threw the toy perfectly. Adam ran and ran, but before the toy reached the ground, it broke into pieces.
"What the actual fUC-"

"OKAY! Moving on!" Elixir pats Namjoon's shoulders, "That's too bad, Team Namjin. Looks like you're out! Stay tuned after the commercial break because when we return the two teams, Yoonmin and Taekook, will face off to win the prize."


Third and final round: Hurdles

Jimin paced around in a circle to calm his nerves, "Yoongi, I'm nervous – and when I'm nervous, I stress eat. BUT there's nothing but dog food—"

Yoongi rolled his eyes from where he was laying on the grass with Holly on his lap, "Jimin stop."

There he goes again with the scary dominant voice, Jimin thought. Hot.
Jimin puts his hand over his chest, where he assumes where his heart is at. He could almost hear how fast his heart was beating. He wanted his heart to stop, he didn't want to get even more confused than he already was.

Jimin glanced down at Yoongi, who was lifting Holly up and down as if he was flying. He admired how calmed Yoongi was, as if he didn't care if he won or not. For the first time, Jimin felt jealous of Yoongi. He too wanted to be careless and free spirited.

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