Chapter 69- Some Mom Time

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Sunday, February 19th 11:00AM

Border Hills Cemetery

Sondra smiled as she enjoyed the beautiful day as she walked back from the car with the small cooler. A little disappointment lingered, but being with Moe, especially today, soothed those feelings. Even though she knew he deserved some time on his own, her steps quickened. If he looked like he wanted more time, she would leave again, but she couldn't resist spending as much time with him as she could.

Moe was kicking himself for not realizing that his mom might show up. She had done so a couple of other times, but those times she had wanted something from Uncle Brian. The last time was three years ago, when she had begged for money at the graveside before even greeting Moe. His uncle had never been so mad. He had played it cool until he had pulled Moe's mom a good distance away to talk. Moe couldn't make out the words, but he still remembered his Uncle's tone and voice. She hadn't come back since. Having her show up today had been a big surprise. Now that he thought about it, Moe realized that it made sense. After all, she wanted something again.

"What do you want Mom?" Moe asked just to start the conversation. Things like this are best done fast so you could get past them, like pulling the bandaid off quickly.

"Can't I just want to see my only son?" she asked with a hurt look.

"I wasn't always your only son.  You never cared about me when I lived with you, and you haven't seen me in three years. I doubt that is why you want to just see me now," Moe answered. The words were true, and they were like the scars on his back. Excruciating at first and a constant reminder of how he was so different from his peers, but not truly painful anymore. His aunt, uncle, cousins, Sondra, and friends had filled his life with so much love that the ache of his mother's rejection was tiny in comparison. Saying the words out loud was like Sondra seeing and accepting his scars. The relief of no longer hiding it made it easier to bare.

His mom frowned at his bluntness, but she didn't try to hide the reason for being there any more. Instead, she put a twist on it by saying, "You need to let go of your anger and resentment. Revenge is never the answer. You need to learn how to forgive so that you can get on with your life. You will never be able to love someone unless you let go of the past.

At his mom's words, Moe's eyes narrowed and the small sense of peace evaporated.

Sondra was walking over the last hill when she heard Moe yell, "Who are you to say I need to forgive so I can get on with my life? When I lived with you, Kevin took away the ONLY good thing I had. I had NOTHING when Uncle Brian and Aunt Joanna picked me up at the shelter. You always put Kevin and his wants before me or Bobby. It is the same now."

Sondra looked over and saw the lady's hood had fallen back to show her long dark hair. Even from the distance, Sondra could tell that her eyes were the same violet of Moe's. However, the cruel look on the lady's face was one Sondra had never seen on Moe's.

The lady hissed, "You don't understand. You can't. I fell in love, and it changed everything. Someday, if you're lucky, you will fall in love. Then, you might understand and learn to forgive."

Sondra hesitated as she wondered what she should do. Giving them privacy might be what Moe would want, but she couldn't make herself leave Moe to face his mom alone. Besides, considering how loud they were, she would probably hear them even if she climbed in the car and locked the doors. After a moment, Sondra quietly walked toward them, but they were so intent on each other that they didn't even notice her.

"I DO know about love, and it doesn't have anything to do with letting yourself or your family be a punching bag," Moe retorted.

With a smirk, his mom simpered, "I don't mean love for a pet, or love for your uncle or cousins. I don't even mean a little crush that lasts a week at most. I mean real love that lasts a lifetime."

"I have been in love more than half my life now, and it isn't with a pet. The person I love is sweet, kind, fits in with my family, and helps me be my best. Being around her makes me a better person, not a worse one. She is brave, compassionate, and she can be a true partner."

To Moe's surprise, he felt a hand link with his. With a small jump, he realized that Sondra had returned. Anxiously, he looked down and wondered how Sondra felt about his words, but he couldn't tell what she was thinking. She wasn't even looking at him. She was too busy glaring at his mom.

Her presence seemed to surprise his mom too, and she was quiet as Sondra started talking. Sondra's voice was low, but the tone expressed her fury in a way that Moe rarely saw. He was happy she was on his side as she said, "There is a big difference between forgiveness and letting a person get away with murder."

To Moe's surprise, his mom actually flinched. It took her a moment to rally, but when she opened her mouth to respond, Sondra continued, "You have no right to say he needs to do things differently to go on with his life, because you aren't part of it. He has been doing a great job at school and in sports. He is popular, protective, and kind. He has lots of friends, and people who love him. His biggest problems have to do with how you messed up his childhood. Even those, he has managed to overcome thanks to people who know how to care about him. He is a wonderful person, but NONE of that is thanks to you."

His mom looked like she wanted to object again, but Sondra still wasn't done. "The best thing that happened to him was his aunt and uncle adopting him. The only way it could have been better would have been if they had also managed to adopt both Moe and Bobby, before you and Kevin killed him."

After getting over the surprise from Sondra's harsh words, Moe's heart swelled at her defense. Her blunt assessment voiced his darkest feelings in a way he had always been afraid to express. With the way the words so accurately explained his feelings, he was sure his mom would finally understand and back out of his life. However, when he looked over to see her response, he could tell that Sondra hadn't gotten through.

While his mom seemed shocked by the words, she didn't seem to really think they were accurate. He could see the exact moment that she decided Sondra's words didn't apply to her. She straightened and shook her head with a superior look on her face. Instead of admitting to any wrong doing, she just pulled her hood back up and prepared to leave. As she started to walk away, she even said over her shoulder, "You think this person is right for you and makes you a better person? You're fooling yourself. She obviously holds a grudge, and eventually she will turn on you too. When she abandons you, just come find me. I'll help you forgive Kevin. Only then will you be able to be happy someday."

Moe and Sondra stood together as they watched her disappear over the hill. Once she was completely out of sight, Moe turned to Sondra to with a smile of relief. However, Sondra didn't seem thrilled that she had left. Instead she was looking down with a bright red face and seemed incredibly embarrassed. Not knowing what else to do, Moe led Sondra back over to their picnic blanket. Once sat down, Moe shared his admiration, "I have never heard you talk like that to someone. Somehow, you found words for everything that I wanted to say to her over the years, but couldn't."

At his words, Sondra finally relaxed even though she protested, "I know I went too far and she still didn't get it, but I just felt I had to try to make her understand. She hurt you when you were little. Then, she came here acting like you needed to change. You are perfect the way you are."

Her words made Moe blush, but Sondra wasn't done. With a sideways glance up at him beneath her eyelashes, Sondra continued, "Besides, I wasn't the only one arguing with her."

Moe closed his eyes as his mind raced. she had heard everything and he didn't know what to say. Most of the ride here had been spent convincing Sondra to trust him. Lying wasn't an option, but after dreams and reality collided, he hadn't planned on telling her how he felt any time soon... if ever.

With his eyes closed as he tried to figure out what to say, he didn't notice Sondra moving silently across the blanket. At least he didn't until she sat in his lap, and put her arms around his neck. Then, Moe's eyes flew open and his arms automatically curled around her back, even though his mind was frozen in shock.

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