Chapter 20- The Cleaning Party and the Kite Tail

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Monday, February 13th 7:30pm

Seymour Dojo and Fitness Center

Jamie glanced the crumbled application laying on the counter, and her smile turned into a frown. "Is every thing okay?  I saw that there was a problem, but it was time to start, and I couldn't come over."

Sondra frowned and said, "He was investigating my mom and step-dad."

"I didn't know you had a step-dad."

Sondra shrugged and tried to act like it didn't matter, "My mom surprised me with the news on Sunday."

Jamie's mouth dropped open in surprise, but no words came out.  Sondra could tell that she didn't know what to say, but Sondra was surprised when Jamie leaned over and gave Sondra a hug instead. 

Sondra felt her eyes tear up.  Jamie still had trouble getting close and when she gave a hug, Sondra knew it meant something.  After a moment, Sondra blinked and eased back.   She exchanged a watery smile of understanding with Jamie before patting Jamie's shoulder and saying, "Don't worry.  I'm fine."  Sondra reassured before she turned to pick up her books.  When she was done, she asked Jamie, "What should we start cleaning?"

Now it seemed to be Jamie's turn to look uncomfortable.  Jamie shrugged and admitted, "Korbin and Danica's moms made the dojo sparkle.  I just need to gather any stray pieces of foam from tonight.  I think that Danica said something about doing the upstairs.  I can take care of it though.  It is my apartment." 

Sondra shook her head and said firmly, "It is your apartment, but you open it up to everyone on tennis team, and their families.  Helping you clean it up is only fair since some of it is our mess."

Moe smiled and added, "Henry promised to clean the kitchen up if I did most of the cooking.  He should be almost done by now."

When they got upstairs Sondra looked at the messy kitchen, and Moe sighed and shoved up his sleeves. 

Sondra watched him run water in the sink before she commented, "Henry and Sammy have always tried to get you to do their chores."

Moe nodded and complained, "They don't try it with anyone else.  Why do they keep doing it with me?"

Sondra watched Moe gather the dirty dishes that Henry had promised to do, and answered, "You brought it on yourself.  You gave in every time they cried.  They learned how to work you.  You ALWAYS gave in instead of facing their tears."  She paused and then added, "Just like you are doing now."

Moe froze right before he plunged his hands into the soapy water.  He flushed before firmly saying, "I'll be right back," as he pushed down his sleeves, and went back down to the dojo with a determined look on his face. 

Sondra hid a smile and looked around.  Jamie kept her place pretty neat, and Sondra thought the place looked pretty good already. She looked around and tried to figure what to start on. When Moe returned, and he was dragging a shocked and protesting Henry with him.  Once Moe got Henry started, he joined Sondra.

With a smile, Sondra suggested, "Let's make something sparkle before working on your project."

Sondra started spraying down the bathroom. Moe got out a dust rag and polish.  By the time they finished their chosen jobs, others had arrived and were starting the vacuuming, windows, and mopping. It only took a quick glance to decide that it would be best to work elsewhere.  Within minutes, Sondra and Moe set up in the empty office downstairs, and Sondra was watching Moe lay out  the pictures he had already printed off.

Sondra quickly opened up the tri-fold board and got to work.  She left the background and some of the construction paper borders on as she peeled off the title letters, pictures, and papers from her previous report.  Moe was able to quickly trim the pictures to fit the construction paper frames, before he added the captions and internet sites. 

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