Chapter Twenty

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"Ren, what happened?" Tsigili asked as he stood there with the unconscious Arabella in his arms.

"Can you help her?" He asked with tears in his eyes. "I found her on the other side of the river. She wouldn't wake up so I brought her here." He whispered.

"I will see what I can do. Though, I think you may need to speak to Inari." She said knowing that he wouldn't like the idea. To her surprise Ren didn't reject the idea out right. "Come bring her to the tree." She said.

She had hoped that they would get her to the tree in time but she had been worried that they wouldn't make it. Ren laid her down at the foot of the tree. Tsigili nodded. She closed her eyes and placed her hand on Arabella's forehead. She frowned as she searched her mind for some kind of awareness.

"What's wrong?" Ren asked.

"We will need Inari, Hachiman, and Fujin. Go get them now."

"Go get who?" Came a voice. When they turned around Athena stood behind them looking at them curiously.

"Athena, I didn't know that you were coming." Tsigili said.

"Something told me to come this way so I came." She said. "Is this the girl?" She asked. "She doesn't seem that special to me." She said.

"This is her. I don't know if you remember the pregnant woman you met years ago but this is her child." Tsigili said.

"So this is Ren's child." She said eyeing her. "This is the one that we are hanging our hopes on?"


"Then I will go get them. Even her subconscious is asleep. I wonder how that happened." She said as she left.

"Her subconscious is asleep?" Ren asked.

"I can't reach her right now. We need them. Hopefully they will come or else we will just have to wait for her to wake up." Tsigili said. Ren sighed.

"I wish that boy could have learned to understand her."

"You do not have to wish that anymore. We had hoped that he would come to terms with this on his own but his heart and mind were clouded by resentment. It wasn't going to happen without force."

"Why did you say that I don't have to wish for that anymore?" Ren asked.

"He has now experienced everything that she has. Her fear, sadness, and loneliness. Her brokenness, heartache, and most of all her strength." Tsigili said. "He has learned that her's is indeed a pitiable existence." Ren's eyes filled with sadness.

"Was my love for her mother that bad?" Ren asked.

"No. It was so great that I think that as long as she does not lose heart that she can weather any storm but for years we have decided her fate. That is what is pitiable about her. She has not been allowed to chose. Instead, she has been preparing for war against the Council and Yoshiro in her own way." She said. Ren sighed again and looked down at Arabella's sleeping face.

"Do the others know that she is here?" Ren asked.

"Yes. They do but they don't know whats going on yet." Tsigili said. "I should-"

"Where is she?" Inari demanded.

"Here." Ren said. Inari glared at him.

"She's so small. Are you sure that its time?" Fujin asked.

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