Chapter 9

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Salvador sighed. He had been working tirelessly for days. Still he wasn't making any progress. Everyone that he interrogated had the same story when it came to the little girl and the her parents. They had been fleeing their village when they had come upon them. The little girl seemed pretty quiet and the parents kept to themselves. No one suspected that there would be people from the council in their group.

"One thing is for sure." Salvador said as everyone gathered around for an update. "That little girl has got them all fooled. No one will believe that she is the one working for the Council. Has the father woken up yet?" He asked.

"He regained consciousness two hours ago." Horace said. "However, it would seem that he doesn't want to talk. When I questioned him about it he got real quiet."

"I see. I don't want to have read his mind given his current mental and physical state. However, it doesn't seem like I have much choice." Salvador said with a heavy sigh.

"Has anyone seen Arabella?" Tamaki asked walking into the room.

"No. I haven't seen her since yesterday." Genova said with a frown.

"Dammit!" Tamaki cursed. "I told her not to wander off."

"Tamaki, I know that you are worried about her but there isn't much else that you can do. Arabella has always been this way. It doesn't matter how many times she gets hurt or how many times you try to reason with her. If she wants her space she is going to find a way to get it. You know this." Genova said shaking his head.

"I know but I am worried. She could be anywhere with god knows who. What if something happened to her?" Tamaki said with a frustrated sigh.

Arabella let out a quiet breath as she watched the woman on the ground below. She watched as the little girl once again showed up to torment her. Arabella's heart ached for her. As much as she wanted to interfere with the Council's plans she knew that she couldn't get involved yet. She would just have to bide her time until Lisbell left.

"This is stupid! Those despicable Vosat keep getting in my way." Lisbell raged.

"Please. You don't have to do this." The woman pled with her.

"Shut up!" She yelled smacking her in the face. "I thought that I made myself clear." She said glaring at her.

"Please, Lisbell. Just let us go. I swear that we wont say anything." Tears streamed down her cheeks as she pled with her.

"I said to keep quiet!" The little girl raged. The woman flinched under her harsh tone. "Remember that I still have your children." She said with a snicker.

"Please." The woman pled with her helplessly. The little girl sneered at her as she glared down at her. "You won't get away with this." She said weakly.

"Oh shut up!" The little girl giggled. "I won't get away with it? I have everyone convinced that I am innocent in all of this. Who are they going to believe? You or me? I am a child! I am the pinnacle of innocence in this world." She hissed. "While you are the one everyone blames for being stuck here. God how much more stupid can you get?"

Arabella watched from the shadows as the little girl continued to belittle the woman. A frown creased her brow. The more she watched the more she realized that there was something wrong with the situation. The little girl seemed to enjoy torturing the woman to no end, but Arabella couldn't help but wonder why. What would the Council gain by harming innocent people like this? She asked herself.

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