Chapter Six

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The two men waited for Tamaki's men to arrive. When they arrived Genova asked them about Arabella's situation. When they were met with sad faces Genova knew that the damage was worse than he had expected.

"Just how hard did he hit her with that fire ball?" Genova asked as they raced towards the village.

"He didn't hit her with it." One of the guards said.

"I thought she was hit by a fireball." Michael said.

"No It was released into her back." The other guard said.

"What do you mean?" Genova asked.

"I mean, he pressed his hand into her back and released the fire ball like that." The first guard said.

"That explains why she couldn't defend against it." Genova said.

"How the hell is she still alive?" Michael asked.

"The Commander. He used his spatial jump to catch her and put the fire out." The second guard said.

"She put up one hell of a fight too. Never seen anything like it. It was beautiful and terrifying at the same time." The first guard said.

"I don't understand what happened myself, and I was there." The second guard said. "The soldiers, the whole village, and even the refugees were all present. It was horrible."

"I have killed people and have never heard a scream like that before." The first guard said shaking his head.

"I guess everyone was quite shocked." Michael said.

"Shocked? More like enraged." The second guard said.

"What do you mean?" Michael asked.

"Watching her fight was the single most beautiful and captivating moment that I have had in my entire life." The first guard said.

"It was like my heart had been dead but watching her had caused it to beat again. It made me want to follow her to hell and back." The second guard said.

"Hey, I don't think that the Commander would appreciate that kind of talk." The first guard said.

"What? Why?" The second guard asked.

"He might think that you like her and that would ensure an early death for you." Michael said laughing.

The guards looked at each other in shock. They were surprised that someone could say something like that about their commander. They shook their heads in disagreement.

"You're thinking that your Commander would never act like that right?" Genova asked.

"Let me ask you what that soldier's face like during the match?" Michael asked.

"His nose looked like it had been smashed in and he had two black eyes. Why?" The first guard.

"How do you think that he got in that condition?" Genova asked.

"A fight. Obviously." The second guard said.

"Yes but with who?" Michael asked.

"I don't know." The first guard said.

"I do." Michael said with a laugh.

"He got it because he argued with the little lady in front of your Commander." Genova said.

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