Chapter 16

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"Mr. Grey, the members of the Council will be arriving to discuss the current situation and the Master's new plans. I do hope that you were able to get everything prepared." Councilwoman Harding said.

"Yes, Ma'am. I was able to get everything ready. I will escort them in as soon as they arrive. "

"Good you may go." She said turning to face the window. Mr. Grey left the room to go await the arrival of the Council members.

A knock sounded at the door a moment later. Mr. Grey opened the door and came face to face with a tall man who wore all black. Dark beady eyes stared back at Mr. Grey from a gaunt face. His lips were pressed into a thin grim line.

"Please come this way, Mr. Graves. Councilwoman Harding is waiting for you through here." He said escorting him to the room where the Councilwoman was waiting.

"Councilman Graves has arrived, ma'am."He said escorting him to the room.

"Councilman Graves, it's good to see you." She said politely.

"Cut the crap, Harding." He muttered. Councilwoman Harding stiffened.

"The least you could do is be polite while your in my home." She sniffed.

More members arrived in pairs. Once all twelve members had gathered Councilwoman Harding called the meeting to order.

"Now I know that there is much to discuss so let me be brief. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedules to be here. With that out of the way we can begin. Mr. Graves, you have the floor." She said sitting down.

"Thank you, Councilwoman." His deep voice boomed. "Now as the situation in my governing area stands there have been no sightings of the Vosat. However, at the present moment raids are still continuing. Which I must say that as a result is causing unrest in the villages." He said glaring at Councilwoman Harding.

"We will handle that." She said through clenched teeth.

"Councilwoman Mavis, you have the floor." Councilman Graves said.

"I must say that my report is much the same. Except my people are beginning to rebel. In fact, Council Guards are being attacked." She said accusingly. "Councilman Yamanaki, you have the floor." She said sitting down.

"We encountered no Vosat and many people have already fled my lands. Tell me, Councilwoman Harding, what are these meetings suppose to tell us other than what we already know? If there are any Vosat left in the world they are hiding."

"Actually, Councilman Yamanaki, they are no longer hiding." Councilwoman Harding said standing up. "There have indeed been a few sightings in Councilman Morris's land as well as mine, which have lead to some impromptu fights on our lands." She said watching for reactions. No one gave anything away.

"Now this brings me to the next part of our meeting. Mr. Grey, if you would please." Mr. Grey stepped forward and placed an envelope in front of each member then exited the room.

"What is this?" Councilwoman Parson's asked.

"These are your orders." Councilwoman Harding said.

"Our orders?" Councilman Harrison asked angrily. "Contrary to what you may think we don't take orders from you!" He shouted.

"No. I believe you take your orders from me." A deep voice growled from the other side of the room. Everyone turned to see the Master cloaked in black from head to toe. Councilwoman Harding stood and bowed with her forehead pressed to the backs of her hands.

Night of the Necros: The Rise of the QueenUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum