Chapter Ten

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Arabella sighed and leaned against the wall. She was exhausted but her plan had worked, sort of. She knew that there was something off about Lisbell when she began spending time with her. However, after processing everything that happened she knew that she would never expect something like that to happen. She couldn't stop feeling as if she had done something horrible. She didn't expect that a giant would be wearing the skin of a child. Arabella sighed wearily. Tears began to form in her eyes as she thought about how sweet Lisbell had been when she first met her. Even if she wasn't actually a child she still felt as if her heart had died a little in side.

Arabella slumped down on the ground as she struggled to catch her breath. She looked down at herself and grimaced. The black blood covered her body from head to toe and she felt herself grow sick. Arabella sighed and stood up on shaky legs. The village had heard the howls and came to see what was going on. Everyone had freaked out when they saw the giant's body return back to Lisbell's childish form and that had been what had sickened her the most. Arabella felt like a hypocrite. She had been pledging that she wasn't in the business of hurting children and today she had murdered a child.

Arabella made her way to the large bath in the estate. The water had already been heated and Arabella gladly removed every article of clothing. Without a second thought and slipped into the water. Arabella sighed and submerged herself in the water. When she came back up hot tears spilled down her cheeks. She had killed a child. While lost in her thoughts she didn't notice the change taking place in the water. The black blood thickened in the water. Arabella was pulled from her musings when she felt a burning sensation in her leg. Her eyes flew open as the pain seemed to vibrate around her. Arabella felt as if she was burning alive. Her lungs constricted as she struggled to take a breath. Arabella looked around for the source of the pain and froze in fear when she noticed that most of the water had mutated into the black blood that had coated her body. Arabella shook with fear. What the hell is this? She wondered. As she looked at it she noticed that it had seemed to morph into a type of hand. Arabella's eyes widened as she looked at it as it spread over her body. She tried kicking it off of her but failed. Arabella struggled to keep her breathing calm as she the bloody blob seemed to swallow her body. She could feel darkness cloud her vision as struggled. A scream tore from her lips as she tried to fight it off.

While Arabella was surrounded by darkness she could feel dark eyes on her bare skin. She couldn't help the shiver that snaked down her spine. Arabella tried to cover her nakedness as best she could. A deep throaty chuckle echoed throughout the dark void. Arabella looked around with wide eyes.

"So you are the one that killed my creation?" Arabella could see black eyes peering at her in the distance. "You don't look like much however, it looks like I have underestimated you."

Arabella backed away in fear. But the voice continued to chuckle at her. Arabella looked around for a way out but cursed whens he realized that she was completely surrounded by the darkness.

"You see this is why I don't like you humans. You have no idea how much trouble your kind have given me. Vermin and trash. You need to be destroyed." The voice cackled. "You're such a hypocrite, you know. You said that you would protect children from the council but you just killed one and walked away like you did nothing."

Arabella's face paled as it dawned on her that the giant was indeed a child. Arabella struggled to keep the tears from falling down her cheeks. Arabella looked around again for a way out. Her legs shook in fear.

"What do you mean that she was just a child?" She asked backing away.

" You don't need to worry about that. You should focus on trying to run." The voice chuckled.

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