Chapter Thirteen

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A/N: So I am going to go ahead and upload another chapter. Please comment and vote! Let me know what you guys think!

"Arabella, are you sure that this is the right way?" Genova asked.

"Will you stop asking me that? We're not far." She said rolling her eyes.

How do you know that we are close?"

"I can feel it." She said.

"You can feel it? You mean like intuition?"

"What? No. I can feel it's energy calling to me." She said softly. Genova stared at her.

"Until that night you didn't even know if you were going the right way. Now you can feel it?" Genova said in surprise. "If I wasn't there I don't think that I could even try to believe it."

Arabella looked back at him with a small smile. Her features seemed to have softened and her eyes were line green emeralds sparkling in the sun. It was as if she was radiating life itself. Genova smiled back at her.

They continued to walk in silence until they happened across a small village. As they looked around it seemed that there was no one about. To Genova something didn't feel right. It felt as if they had wondered into a trap. His hand gripped the hilt of his sword.

Arabella noticed a little girl peeking out of a window at the them. The fear in her eyes broke her heart. She heard door hinges creak as another face peered out at them in fear.

"Where is everyone?" Arabella called out. Genova placed a hand on her shoulder.

"It could be a trap."

"Or they could need our help." She said shrugging off his hand.

"Arabella, "Genova called. " Please come back." Arabella refused to listen to him. She was already half way to the building when Genova caught up with her.

"Who are you?" A small voice called out. "We have nothing to do with the Vosat, so please go away."

Arabella and Genova looked at each other. They already knew about what was going on outside the village. They already knew that the Council was hunting them. What they didn't know is that people were living in fear of being associated with the Vosat. They didn't expect that children would be so afraid of them.

"Where are the adults?" Arabella asked.

"We said go away." Came another small voice.

Arabella knelt down in front of a small clump of dead grass. She reached out both hands and with a small smile she placed them over the grass. She could feel her hands pulsing with energy. It started in her fingertips. In mere seconds her while body began to pulsate. Soon the grass was green. Then the flowers began to bloom. As Arabella worked doors began to open. One by one children began to come out. Their eyes were wide in wonder. Genova stood next to her. Even if they were children he didn't trust them.

"How did you do that?" A little girl asked.

"It's a secret." She said smiling as she pressed a finger to her lips. The little children giggled in delight. "Where are the adults at?" She asked. Sad faces stared back at them. Genova sighed. He couldn't help but cast a look at Arabella. Her eyes flashed angrily.

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